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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. AJ moved, then stopped himself. As long as the man had gold, he would be fine.
  2. AJ smiled. "I do indeed. Though I was hoping the chunk of metal wasn't useless. Oh well." He looked to the boy and smiled. "If you're so eager, why don't you test it?"
  3. AJ pocketed the spike anyway. It was what he really needed. His original plan was to just take a cookie, but this worked just fine. "I forbid you from spiking anyone else in here," he said to the man.
  4. AJ focused, then created a portal. A gateway between points in space, from where he was, to where the man was. He snatched the spike out of the man's hands and pulled it back to himself.
  5. AJ pulled his gun out and placed a different clip inside it. "I'm sorry, that won't be happening."
  6. AJ looked around at the DA members shooting him threatening glances. He kept his hand on his gun and tried not to look intimidated
  7. Hey, my cookie is TUBA approved!
  8. Hello! What's up? What KR order are you? And take this cookie instead. TUBA has approved its safety.
  9. Granted. You have a choice of 4 slips of paper that say good food in a different font. I wish I could have copper feruchemy.
  10. AJ returns from being inactive for 2 hours and he looks at Jay. "Tomorrow, at the match, I will kill you." @Jaywalk
  11. Granted. Your daddy becomes the pony. I wish for Jay the mods to remove my post, and Jay's post right behind it that way, this topic can have 5800 posts.
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