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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. Peter Pan’s shadow uses the love of shadow to bust him and shadow out.
  2. AJ kills Ruin. AJ is also confused why Thought laughed like that. He just mimicked her
  3. beantheboy12

    So Sane

    Ah. Cool!
  4. Well, I want to submit one, I just need to know how to do it. Who do I email and what do I say?
  5. beantheboy12

    So Sane

    You didn't notice? I freaked out on the day you joined because I went on the leaderboard immediately after.
  6. AJ and Bean pull themselves together. Literally. Then he fuses with Ruin and laughs maniacally.
  7. AJ and Bean begin to freak out and run around in circles firing laser beams at the moon while dancing disco and singing For the first time in forever.
  8. beantheboy12

    So Sane

    BTW, is this why you are on the leaderboard? My memes are the only thing that get me on.
  9. Narrator Bean pulls her out of the shadows as that is where Narrator Shadow, the enemy of all Shippers, lurks.
  10. Narrator Bean is very curious about the pointy fingers and asks what they are.
  11. Narrator Bean suddenly realizes that Narrator Shadow might not be as grim about shipping if they shipped her! @BringerofShadows
  12. At least he had a double belly button. Thanos's snap only killed half his belly button.
  13. The second and a half most happy relationship was Callum and Rayla @Jaywalk
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