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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. Therefore, they did not get divorced because they were the second happiest couple ever
  2. Really? Hogan Lancealot said. "You predicted you would clean your bathroom this morning"
  3. So he was completely ignored. Narrator Bean warned Lunamor to prepare for his 2000th post.
  4. Narrator Bean knows of this thing Narrator Silva speaks of. He just likes to follow threads and get notifications.
  5. Well, there are three technically. The two composers, and the producer. Since the composers have not read the book, the producer was absolutely necessary. That shouldn't be that big of an issue for you guys though And do I count as a contributor as a beta-listener if that's a thing?
  6. Sorry for being much later. Narrator Bean explains he considered unfollowing this thread and TLPW because it is so much spam and he is an important man who gets 30 alerts an hour
  7. It’s a classic joke now. Okay, so I reworked the Scadrial section of the index. Certain thing have just always bugged me. Such as a gold misting being equal to a shardblade. Or a bronze compounder more than a full shard bearer. So I took an hour, and I made this while listening to shardplate cast. (Love the avengers references BTW) Thoughts? (Next to Allomancy and Feruchemy, a + or a - mean + or - 5 points) @Voidus, @MacThorstenson, @Nohadon, @Kidpen, @Lord Meeker
  8. I said I would be fine with it. Other people... And @kenod, was that an insult to me?
  9. Hey! I want to say some things about your new character. Interesting power BTW. But some things first: I haven’t got the foggiest clue what that power will score. We will let Voidus take care of that. And as for the skills, you said something about guns. All people have gun training somewhat and wouldn’t require skill. Would you like an actual skill? It would be another 30 points. Generally, epic weaknesses don’t score too much but maybe aight may. I don’t know. And I can say that you probably over scored the blood. Blood is common, but it isn’t 50 points I would say. And how about mirage for a name? @Vargo Seldon
  10. No. You’re just at 185 points. So yeah. -35 points of weaknesses are needed
  11. Well, I have no idea how to score elantris things. I haven't read the book yet and it is storming confusing to anyone who hasn't. But I would like to point out some things about your first character. The scoring is mostly correct, but one flaw I noticed was the investiture, while a level two allomancy and a level one feruchemical ability do add up to 75, these ones would be complimentary, adding another 10 points. I don't know what the weakness would score, but I guess it wouldn't reach 35 points. Thoughts? @Nohadon
  13. SOOORRRRY! I will do it when I have time. Especially match 8
  14. Bean had just noticed that does is indeed a weird word. He also noticed he was an NPC now
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