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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. The horneater peaks are about as long as a mini figure is tall. A bit longer. *smiles* *upvotes*
  2. *sighs* No characters to score? Mac, you're too fast.
  3. Hey guys, came for a visit. I shared this in PMs and I got good reactions. So thought I'd just put it here. Tell me what you think! (some of it only I can make sense of. I'm a moron)
  4. I was just reading that comic!
  5. beantheboy12

    Stormlight Stuff

    Well, self explanatory.
  6. From the album: Stormlight Stuff

    Well, I'm gonna have to thank @Chaos for this one. For he had made the KR episodes of shardcast long enough for me to have the patience to finish this. Well, anyhow, as you can see, this is Roshar. I made the mountains taller, the islands shorter, and the colors are for two reasons. One, that's the way it sort of is on the map I referenced, (the standard one) and two, I don't have enough of one color LEGO for anything else.
  7. Well, no. I only got emails from Archer, Ene, DoomStick, and Whatthehoid.
  8. Well, everyone, goodbye. I have enjoyed my time here thoroughly. But now, I must say goodbye. I have spent too much time here and it is endangering me. I love the forums and the rp universe and everything about this, I just am incapable of continuing this life and my real life.

    I'm sorry. Just don't forget about me.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Vogelsang


      I'm officially sad.



      ...I suppose I'll tag someone else?

    3. overlord stick
    4. Ghanderflaffle


      We will miss you bean.

  9. Well, do ya just want to score that one then? @MacThorstenson @Voidus Could you put that index (wherever it is) in?
  10. Moash is the freaking best! He is honestly like my #7 favorite character or something.
  11. Okay then. I say yes. Talk to Mac and Voidus about it though.
  12. *respawns* *kills Lunamor* And, we take this to the super fight.
  13. Okay. You could alternatively do a savant for less score.
  14. I would upvote that, but I kinda like Moash.
  15. Okay then. Just curious, why a compounder? Smart is 15
  16. Oh, just saw his fighting style. I'd say yes he's fine. You sure you don't want scholarship or intelligence for your skill points?
  17. 10 + 100 - 3 = 107 magic points How does the mugging affect him? Is he injured? And I would say that the weaknesses aren't enough. However, Mac might say otherwise. So you can take the chances when Mac comes or you can add a physical weakness. @Invocation
  18. K. Here we go. @Vargo Seldon I can't score this. For I do not know what a channeler is. Is that wheel of time? If so... I dunno. @Dr. Dapper @BitBitio 45 + 30 = 75 magic points. You got 75 points for skills. What else do ya want?
  19. Sein Valn shook his head. "I will not forget that. You do not want me as an enemy. I will require a replacement within 24 hours."
  20. Sein Valn walked away, still not looking. "I expect you to hang that up, very carefully. Or else."
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