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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. Well, not the oaths. He just won't kill, and will protect all those he can. As much as I would like to score characters officially, I kind of have to play both sides here. In favor of the mods: The mods are busy people. They dedicate so much time to helping us have an RP experience with so many people! I think that's a blessing that we all take for granted all the storming time. @Voidus, @Lord Meeker, @MacThorstenson, @Kidpen, @Nohadon. I want to thank you all so much for coping with our many tasks we require of you after Archer left. This rule would fix the problem here. And honestly, among my characters, only half of them have a life yet. And I've been around here months (And I'm still so storming thrilled that everyone knows my name! Anyway,) and haven't found a life for some old ones. Your characters may all have unique skill sets, but how many of them actually have a life in relation with everyone else? I think 5 is a very generous limit anyway. Opposed to the mods: Woodrack is right. I am here and they are too. They have characters that they have fought to develop. I know personally that trying to get a character that goes over 100 in investiture is storming difficult and I would hate to see Benson go away despite the effort I put into giving him enough weaknesses to be a steel compounder. All characters do different things and we want them for different threads. Some characters have fun being bad while others try to survive. Some characters live a life. Those players (I think it's Ark, Woodrack, and Mac) might have 6 separate lives on different characters. If I had to choose between Hasharan's life and Benson's life, I would choose both like I did before when I was made to do so. My view: The mods are busy but I will score any extra character there is. Like my brother has done, he only has one character, but has run 3 others past Archer as backup characters so that whenever he wants to return to the RP if Jacien dies, he can. So my solution: Embrace the rule. 5 characters max only in the main alleyverse setting. Any others can be still approved by me, or someone as to conserve the mod's precious and busy time. Other characters should be put into a bank as extras for when another character of yours dies. Thoughts? Edit: I was ninja'd 3 TIMES!
  2. “What the storms?” AJ said, hanging up. He moved in front of Thought and drew his gun. “I have no idea what you want. Why have you been following us?”
  3. AJ’s panic faded as he nodded to her.
  4. AJ looked at her. “I will protect you. I have killed over a hundred epics and invested. I can take them,” he said, half to her, and half to Tom.
  6. So. I have been working on this character, I am playing him in another RP. But anyway, he got burried by the other characters. Voidus and Mac have been scoring him. They say that the skill points may contribute to the perfect aim which totals at 80. Portals are 40, and the equipment is 50. The epic weakness is -5 making a total of 165. I was thinking for another weakness, he follows the wind runner oaths essentially. The second, third, and fourth. If he doesn’t do so, he’ll go insane.
  7. “Storm off, Tom! That wasn’t her!”
  8. Benson took the hit to the calf, and sucking in more stormlight, h is felt His wounds seal up and he soulcast the area into smoke again.
  9. Benson ducked and threw two knives followed by lasers in all his possible dodge areas. “Deevan, I know you’re in there. Do you not care for the children? Please don’t kill me.”
  10. AJ’s distressed expression faded a bit to relaxation. “I won’t get you a new one then. Just use your steel against gunmen. Anything you need at all?”
  11. “Wait, you don’t want the gun?”
  12. “No, I have the cane. You have the gun right?”
  13. “Which one? I panicked and stopped noticing. The Kandra i left. The twin born, I beat with your cane.”
  14. “No,” AJ grimaced. “I don’t want to kill, but I will. “Storm them. I’ll save you. How much gold do you have left?”
  15. “I forgive you,” AJ said. “But I won’t let you die.”
  16. AJ hugged her and cried with her. “Don’t die again.”
  17. When AJ saw the movement, he breathed a sigh of relief. He checked for a pulse, and found one. She even was still breathing. “Oh, adonalsium, thank you.” He tore a strip of his pants off and tied the rag on the wound. Then, noticing the temperature finally, he found an old sheet and wrapped it around her, then cradled her in his arms. Waiting and hoping.
  18. AJ curses under his breath as me panics. He fires a grenade at the Kandra and picks her up and begins to teleport away. “Storm it, please don’t die,” he plead. He continued to flee until he was far from the inn. He carried her to an alley and placed the gold mind on her stomach, hoping she would tap it unconsciously. He then removed the bullet and pressed a cloth to her shoulder to stop the bleeding. When she didn’t wake up, he checked for breathing, and found none. “Storm you!” He cried at himself, the assassin, and Thought. “Storm you!” He began CPR praying she would wake up. @Shard of Thought
  19. Once AJ assured himself that the man was most likely immobilized, he teleported back to Thought’s side
  20. AJ walked up behind the wounded man. “Next time, I won’t be so merciful,” he said as he created him on the head repeatedly with Thought’s dueling cane.”
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