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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. Granted. Your literally have butter fingers. I wish for a girlfriend
  2. Malutioganti’amor LIX uses the fury of stick not using a period to become immune to death.
  3. AJ answered. “Hello?” He asked, allowing for Thought to deal with the skybreaker.
  4. AJ woke up and just stared at him awkwardly. “Uh... hi.”
  5. Malutioganti'amor LIX will only respond to his full name including the LIX at the end, and the pronoun, 'he'. However, Malutioganti'amor LIX is perfectly fine with other people calling Malutioganti'amor LIZ the wrong name.
  6. *Hasharan shoots it in the eye with his grand bow*
  7. Malutioganti'amor LIX uses the fury of being called "it" by DoomStick to permanently embed his soul in the soul of this thread. If his soul leaves, so will the thread.
  8. AJ did not object and felt himself drifting to sleep.
  9. AJ smiled and stretched out as he slipped under the sheets. This had been the best day of his life despite running from the cops the entire time.
  10. "I wasn't angry, I was selfish. Though next time there's only one hammock, you get it."
  11. AJ smiled at her. "Sorry for making you sleep on the floor. If that were today, I would have let you have that hammock all to yourself. Sleeping is usually far better than it was last night."
  12. AJ sat on the edge of the largest bed, preparing to sleep.
  13. AJ had been silently hoping for this moment to come. He kissed her back.
  14. The lady escorted them to a room with four beds. "I don't get visitors that often, so you get the finest room," she said. AJ smiled to her and placed a generous sum of coins in her palm.
  15. AJ felt tempted to swindle her, but decided against it. He only stole from the bad people. She seemed so innocent. "Very well, follow me," she said.
  16. AJ smiles to himself and his amazing skills of making himself look confident. They exited the tavern and walked a few streets. AJ kept on quickly glancing at his map for directions. They walked into a small inn run by an elderly woman. "Hello," she said cheerfully. "Are you two looking for a room?"
  17. "You're right. We need to find somewhere to sleep."
  18. AJ smiled and put his hand on hers.
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