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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. *Malutioganti’amor LIX punishes all those who didn’t use proper grammar*
  2. After a minute, AJ pulled away. “But we really should get out of here,” he said pleasantly as he took her hand and walked toward the lake, where they could find peace.
  3. AJ smiled and leaned toward her, kissing her again.
  4. AJ stood for a moment, smitten and surprised. He looked at the necklace and then smiled at her. “It didn’t?”
  5. AJ sighed. “You know it wasn’t like that. I stole your divinity that was all you pretty much had for thousands of years, to pay the price for one mortal man. Not a fair trade.”
  6. AJ smiles at her. “And I was going to well, do the same thing. But life moves fast. Doesn’t it?”
  7. “Except I just killed them. I won’t kill anyone I don’t have to.”
  8. Benson was effected by neither as this was Metra, his spren wearing an illusion.
  9. AJ nodded. “I wish I could save them, but every time I save one of you 3, the other needs saving. I hope Damon can handle himself, whoever his employer is.” AJ then left the village, headed for the barely visible streak of blue on the horizon. “Those police will be inconvenient.”
  10. “Then we should probably get out of here.” He pointed to a large lake along the edge of the horizon. “I need to get there. And once we do, we can just stay for a while. Are you with me?”
  11. “Of course they need saving again,” AJ thought as he watched the coinshot and the Kandra face down the constables “Should I intervene?” He asked Thought. “It’s enough work to save you every time something happens.”
  12. AJ exited the portal as he saw the constables spread out again. He quickly shot a flash bang grenade at them and created another portal. This time focusing on a point far away.
  13. AJ beckoned to Damon to follow as he slipped through too.
  14. "Storm it. We're going." AJ formed a large portal to escape the ambush. It may not get them far, but it would get them out. @I think I am here.
  15. "Let us go then. If you don't want to fight, we don't have to."
  16. AJ felt the presence of the connection in his mind. No, he thought. No! He fired a bullet straight at Csilen's head, realized what he just did, then teleported it as to fire it straight upward. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!" He roared.
  17. AJ shot a glare at Elend and fired a net at Csilen.
  18. AJ recognized the voice. "Weren't you the one who was ordered to shoot us?" He asked as he raised his gun warningly.
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