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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. AJ paused. "Who the storming freak are you? Nevermind." Shots were fired from the crowd of constables.
  2. "Hold it," AJ said. "Try to conserve your feruchemy for now." @I think I am here.
  3. AJ smiled. The first non-smirk smile he has done since... since he got his epic abilities. "Well then, let's get out of this death trap." He felt enthusiastic until constables began to flood into the alley.
  4. AJ looked out into the ever diminishing crowd. "No. Not yet." He then noticed a lead pipe on the ground. He picked it up, a comfortable weight. And it would give a good punch. "Try this. It won't do much against a coin shot, but it will do something."
  5. AJ looked to where the megaphone noises had come from. "Away. I don't think we'll be able to avoid combat anyway."
  6. AJ looked at her and put a determined smile on. "That's right."
  7. Thanks! Feel free to drop into the western village at any time now!
  8. AJ looked up, though away, expression distant. "I know my life. My life that I can't return to so... Yes."
  9. AJ looked up, expression distant and softer. "I had a life, just, it's gone now. I can't return so well... I guess."
  10. AJ said nothing and sat down on the ground.
  11. AJ sighed. The logical side of his brain begged him to just teleport away. She was slowing him down anyway. But he couldn't bring himself to after what he did to her had truly reached him. He looked at her eyes and then sighed. "Everything. I've done every crime that could be committed. On multiple worlds multiple times. I was calamity's pawn until just recently."
  12. AJ grabbed her wrist with his other hand and shoved her off him. "I have done things worse than what I did to you. Is that enough? We really need to get going."
  13. 'd by Star! AJ was in shock, she had just shoved him against the wall. "I- I'm a-" He came back to his senses. "Why should I tell you that? I'm the one who just bought you storming expensive items."
  14. "Can you stand?" AJ asked, pulling his hand back. "We better go soon. The police will find us soon and I'd rather we just push through them." @I think I am here.
  15. AJ placed the goldmind on her chest and placed the other two nearby. "So you can help me fight off the next skybreaker. Or alternatively, the police. Tap that one. It'll heal your ankle."
  16. AJ walked to the shady sector of town, where the black market lurked. He glanced about at the scary people nearby. They would kill him in a heartbeat if he stole anything. He would have to do this sub-honest. He walked to the medallion stand and ordered an unsealed gold mind, steel mind, and pewter mind. It cost an alarming amount of money, but he would just steal it back later. He left the dreadful area and returned to the alley with the medallions.
  17. AJ stood up in the dim alley. The acronym may have been the same but he felt more comfortable. "Stay here. Hopefully, a skybreaker won't lash you to the ground again. I'm going to get something to help with that ankle. And, well... Supplies." He walked out and noticed a patrol of police. So he walked back to the alley and tore up his clothing, messed up his hair, rubbed dirt on his face, and cloaked himself in a dirty brown sheet. "This'll be hard. I will try to get back soon."
  18. AJ realized in horror what he had done as he scrambled into a dim alley.
  19. AJ jumped off the edge of one roof and teleported into a dark alley. "We're far away from them now, we should be able to vanish." He thought of the kandra he left behind and decided it was fine. They weren't wanted.
  20. "Any way! We need to just find cover!" AJ wouldn't risk teleportating Thought anymore with these sloped roofs and her ankle so he picked up her and began to run across the rooftops, fleeing the police.
  21. "Run!" AJ created a portal to send the two onto the rooftops and soon followed.
  22. AJ froze when he realized he just had made a huge light burst and explosion in the middle of a village where he was wanted. He turned around to see many police officers flooding into the alley.
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