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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. Sein Valn walked away. "I didn't say, but I acted. You will listen to me because if you don't, I will provide adequate consequences. Trust me."
  2. Sein Valn caught the jacket midair and placed it on Berk's table. "I told you to take that. You listen to me."
  3. I might have to make this one my profile pic!
  4. 150 + 60 + 80 + 1000 - 25 - 10 - 125 - 5 - ? = 1125 There are 2 steps to getting this guy approved. Step 1: Tell me about the hemalurgic daggers and wether or not he is a fullborn. Step 2: @ Mac. I'll do that for you. @MacThorstenson
  5. beantheboy12

    My Reckoners Stuff

  6. beantheboy12


    From the album: My Reckoners Stuff

    So, here is my art. I have been attempting to draw something for a long time. Usually it looks terrible. But I drew this and I thought, that is only sorta bad. So I worked on it for hours, and ended up with this. Tell me honestly guys, what do you think?
  7. *gasps*

    I am the only one who knows you exist... Hi!

  8. Galavian strode into the Tavern. I need a drink, he thought. He sat down and started drinking from a random glass he saw.
  9. Hey guys! Been on vacation for a week. Two amazing meme ideas came to me along the way. Mistborn era 1 spoilers: The four rules for any cosmere character to remember when doing anything.
  10. So! Just a suggestion: What if there was an episode where we caught up on the WTCC thing? An episode of entirely WTCCs? I know that Chaos has been wanting to critique our entries anyway... @Chaos
  11. @WannabeWorldhopper It's fine. There are three levels of cookies. DA cookies, TUBA cookies, and my cookies. DA cookies are dangerously spiked, TUBA's are spike free, and mine are spiked to make them incredibly tasty.
  12. Sein Valn walked in just as the Nul was leaving. He looked upon the library. "Interesting... This would be a better place of residence." He strode in, tossing his jacket at Berk, revealing a prosthetic arm, and sat down, putting his feet up on the table. Hoping somebody would confront him.
  13. I assume you guys don't need any more pre-made characters. But if it would be allowed, I would like to make one or two. Just for fun. And, thought just crossed my mind, those are era 1/2 characters. More powerful than our current ones. Are they still valid? I just got a lot of characters spinning around in my head, but nowadays, I don't have time to RP them all. I want all but 2 of them dead. Anyone know a good place to kill characters?
  14. You officially are the dark me :P

  15. Scored: 160 +10 -5 -5 = 160 You should be good. I think that weakness makes your character. Well done!
  16. Zib looked at the fight. "So... I assume that eavesdropping isn't required anymore? I mean, they're fighting. You want me to fight instead?"
  17. Sein Valn smiled. "Okay." He drew his knife, Then stabbed it into his shoulder. He took in a deep breath of pleasure as his allomancy returned. He smiled and dug with his one arm into his coin pouch. He pulled out one dirty one. It wouldn't be around much longer. Now came the hard part. He searched within himself, frantically digging for the spark. The spark that manifested a while back. Where is it? He thought. Then he... saw it. It was strange and inexplicable. He pulled it and directed it into the coin which began to emanate a similar energy. Sein Valn smiled and pushed on the coin which flew into the wall. When it made contact, the wall disintegrated to ash leaving a 6 foot hole. Sein Valn stood back, proud.
  18. Sein Valn fingered in his pockets. Money. He had a lot. He was hoping to buy some friends. "Fine. You want to see what I can do then?"
  19. "Defending the one who leaves crumbs on the counter and is making rude gestures behind me. Yes, I know you're there. Spren can be very helpful."
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