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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. AJ sighs as he flew away. He wouldn't have to waste what precious ammunition of this one he had. He teleported himself back to the alleyway and blasted the cement foundation with a grenade. When the dust cleared, the two people he had teleported through with a crack were seen in the uncomfortably small space. @Dr. Dapper @Shard of Thought

    Screen Shot 2019-03-02 at 11.04.04 PM.png

    1. MacThorstenson



    2. beantheboy12


      I am tempted to upvote you, but no ;)

      Unless you want one.

    3. MacThorstenson


      Not right now. I will let it last as long as it can. 

  3. AJ watched in joy as the beam made contact and ice began to grow from the spot of contact, encasing his stomach in a thick layer of ice as well as his chest and legs. AJ took a deep breath and grabbed the strongest of his clips from his belt. Only 3 people knew what this one did.
  4. AJ smiles. Everybody fell for attacks like that, he thought as the beam was teleported next to the horneater's stomach.
  5. AJ teleports away and ducks behind a brick wall, placing a new clip into his gun. "Thanks for telling me," he muttered as he teleported from behind the horneater and fired a blue laser at his back.
  6. AJ looks at them and smiles warmly. He then jumps out a portal, brandishing his gun in a combative way. He enters the alley again and blasts a few rounds of shotguns at the Horneater.
  7. AJ whispers almost with no sound, "He doesn't know the limitations of my power. He's still close."
  8. AJ hops in soon and puts a finger to his lips.
  9. When the light clears, Thought and AJ are in a small rancid smelling dark room. AJ then creates a small portal that he slips through back to the alley with SepLar and creates a portal for them to escape through. @Dr. Dapper @Invocation
  10. AJ fired a flash bang grenade into the air, closing his eyes and throwing a sheet over Thought. A flash sounded, and AJ and Thought were gone when the light faded.
  11. AJ smiled. "Neither do you. You have 10 seconds to decide."
  12. AJ raised his gun wardingly toward the radiant. "Release her now."
  13. "Skybreaker! Let us go you goody-goody law holding storming radiant! We want nothing to do with you here!"
  14. "Storm you," AJ said as he fired a bolt of plasma with perfect accuracy at the horneater's chest.
  15. Cool, @ElendVenture, could you send us a character? Most everything is fair! (No fullborns or 5th ideal radiants. That's pretty much it)
  16. AJ pointed his gun at the horneater. "Sure," he said to the kandra. "Let her go first you storming fool."
  17. "Storm you, let her go! Why are you detaining her?" @Invocation
  18. AJ looked up at the horneater and grimaced. "What do you want with her? She's harmless!"
  19. “Uh.... you named your armor?”
  20. AJ teleported down to the alley. “Storms, Thought, you act like you weigh a thousand pounds,” he said as his eyes slowly drifted to the necklace.
  21. AJ beckoned to an alley. “I left her over there.”
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