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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. “I am not supposed to be here. Just let me get my supplies.”
  2. “Why are you following me then?” AJ swapped out the clip in his gun. Their skin melted. They had to be a Kandra.
  3. “Leave me bounty hunter!” AJ cries as he blasted at her in the head with a spray of bullets.
  4. AJ looked behind him to see a woman man chasing him. “Storm it!” He created a portal in front of him to jump onto the roof of a nearby building. He ducked behind a chimney and hoped the woman wouldn’t see him.
  5. “Storm you, then sit over there.” AJ helped her hobble to a corner onto some sandbags. “Be careful. Alert me on this fabrial if you are in danger,” he said as he passed her a ruby clicker.
  6. AJ nodded. I don’t want to keep on having to glare at you. He stood up and glanced around the crowd. “People are watching us. We need to split up and find our supplies faster.” AJ passed a pouch full of coins to her. “Hurry. Meet me outside the inn.”
  7. Die, blanket of death!!! - Drax the destroyer
  8. Cool! FYI, any alley verse characters are fine!
  9. https://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/84037-fallen/ Click here to join. AJ ducked into the alley with Thought close behind him. A patrol of village police officers patrolled past. A close call. He thought. They almost found us. He waited a moment, and then stepped out of the alley. The market wasn't that far off. He preferred to stay in this village for as little time as possible so he ran out, holding a hood to his face, towards the nearest vender's booth. Jewelry. That wouldn't help. Though Thought might like it. He walked to a corner and waited for the vender's back to be turned to create a portal to grab a beautiful amethyst necklace. He examined it and gave it to her.
  10. I think so! I'll start making the first thread with that town we're in!
  11. *wins* Is this sig small enough? I had a lot of information in those spoilers. @Alvron
  12. Did you see my edit 4 posts back?
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