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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. Hold it, not yet. @Shard of Thought
  2. Here, let's start the RP. @Shard of Thought, could you change the OP so it includes the fact that you can introduce your character into the PM any way you want? I'll make a PM now. Actually no. We might be better off getting people in if we just tag all threads with "Fallen"
  3. I think it is the same. The number of pages doesn't change.
  4. I agree! Let there be peace! @Roadwalker, you should really participate here too!
  5. It is really obnoxious. @Alvron, how many posts does a page hold?
  6. Bean contemplates how far the thread has gone in an hour. Jasnah soulcast new makeup
  7. Butt venture asks for a waffle as he searches. It he doesn’t specify what kind of waffle
  8. AJ glared at her. “No. Stay for now or else you mi—“ AJ slipped as he stepped on her hand, sending them both tumbling down.
  9. AJ paused then shook his head. “I have to go first.” He then began to scale a rough brick wall.
  10. “Obnoxious. Come here,” AJ ducked into an alley as a patrol of police walked past.
  11. The second they closed the door behind them, the owner was heard talking. AJ ducked down and walked faster
  12. They left as the owner watched them carefully. The second AJ made eye contact, he looked away.
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