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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. Narrator Bean takes the deck of cards. Nobody can ignore him now! He awakens the bearadactyl.
  2. Odium pulls out his card, Shock. He zaps everyone until they pay attention to him.
  3. Odium reaches back into his deck of cards and pulls out the FIRE THE CRAB-APULT Exploding Kittens card and fires a crab at Kelsier.
  4. The normal uno back. The reverse card turns the attack around. Ninja Gryphon!
  5. But Odium pulled out his legendary deck of cards. He shows the reverse uno card at Kelsier and turns it around.
  6. Bean sees Kelsier and Jasnah's new baby and wonders if they have a name.
  7. It's essentially a like. You get I think... 20 upvotes a day to give. You click the little arrow next to someone's post and they've been upvoted. When you pass milestones, your title is changed. Check that link to see it. If you get a lot of upvotes in a week, month, year, all time, you go on the leaderboard. (Like me! The meme lord!)
  8. Creates portals to redirect the attacks at her, teleports away, then fires 2 lasers
  9. AJ creates a portal, redirecting the attack for Thought’s head as he shoots a shotgun round through her heart.
  10. Malutioganti’amor LIX uses the rage of someone not using his full name to respawn. He then explains that he is not a person, but a plated dinosaur.
  11. “My elites have all gathered. 100 well trained men and a few minorly invested people. They gathered the second the call was made. I’ll send the word to move the militia back to the outer wall. But just know, if those things get around us, there’s nothing between them and the town.”
  12. Malutioganti’amor LIX looks at the grammar police, the ones infinitely beneath him in grammar policing. He gains the power of ice and freezes all the bad grammar users.
  13. AJ was pleased with the success of his distraction as a huge barrage of plasma appears 6 feet behind Thought
  14. AJ began to blast Shard of thought with a spray of bullets.
  15. AJ grinned again. This was going as planned. He fired a ball of plasma into the needles and teleported the lasers right behind her head.
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