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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. "Anything the leader determines. In this case, you're all so crazy, I have to take charge."
  2. Welcome! I am the cookie master! Let me explain why: In the RP alleyverse, the DA serves cookies with hemalurgic spikes. The underground baker's association, or TUBA for short, didn't like this and provided non-spiked cookies. Now, it has turned into a war. DA members offer their cookies to new unsuspecting members and TUBA tries to stop them. I however, offer un-evilly-spiked-cookies. Have this one: *slides you a cookie*
  3. "I have no respect for sensitive people. I only enforce the rules as I have said before."
  4. "Why? So I could 'protect' everyone's fragile feelings?"
  5. "If you do not approve of my methods, then you may call what I do 'bullying' sometimes. But I only enforce the rules. Simply don't break them and I will become a lot kinder."
  6. "Oh, things would be if you just listened to the only logical one here for once."
  7. Sein Valn looked to dusk, and felt sorry for him. He knew all to well what being alone like that felt like. Feeling like everyone was against you. He walked up to the man, clutching his knife in the case of an emergency. "Hello, you here for the job? What can you do?" @Darth Woodrack
  8. Jordan shook his head. Storming bondsmiths had it all backwards. If the time came, someday, he may just snap. It would be for the good of the law though.
  9. Jordan smiled. "I do, I am a certified police officer. And a self-trained lawyer. I will enforce all rules. He brushed the dust off the couch and followed them to the pool. Something would almost certainly go wrong there.
  10. "He left the cookie crumbs on the couch, and refused to clean it up. Besides, I went for the legs because he could heal. I will not leave the kitchen."
  11. Sein Valn walked in. He had noticed the advertisements, looking for a unique investiture set. Exactly what he knew how to do. He used his one arm to open the door and stride in. "I am here for the job. What do I have to do?" @Ark1002
  12. Jordan looked at him. "I will use the shardblade as long as it is legal. Which it is."
  13. "Your loss." Jordan breathed in stormlight from everyone else's pouches and dashed over to Tyler, swinging his shardblade at his legs.
  14. Jordan raised one eyebrow. "Okay," he said as he summoned his shardblade, a long broad sword, and pointed it at Tyler.
  15. Jordan glared at Tyler. "Clean up those crumbs now." He then stood in the corner, watching everyone.
  16. Guys, I love this. Every time I'm looking through the forums, this shows up. I always picture it saying: Elon Musk is an absolute moron
  17. And Delarin from mine. Cause of death: incineration as she clung desperately to her spatula
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