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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. Renarin activates the vaccum. He didn’t know that the gerbil was also allergic to voidspren
  2. Narrator Bean brings in the vacuum cleaner of destiny. Including the gerbil
  3. Great! There’s just one problem. Radiants were upped in points. Third ideals are now 160 minus any effects your brokenness brought. So this character is quite likely OP. If they were second ideal, they would be fine
  4. Plasma came flying from the crowd of illusions from seemingly random points.
  5. Benson allowed both illusions, the one hiding him and the fake Benson to fade as he swung a 10 ft shardblade at Hellbent, splitting into more Bensons
  6. Benson ducked down and turned around sharply, getting behind Hellbent and firing lasers and a shard javelin in such a wide spray, it would be next to impossible to avoid.
  7. Benson dodged the blade and sucked in more stormlight. Running away.
  8. Benson grunted as a pain hit his foot. He soulcasted the air around him to smoke
  9. Benson summoned his spren as a shield, blocked, and shoved him off as he ran.
  10. Benson grinned when he saw that hellbent had fallen for the illusion. He summoned his shardblade and stuck it in the air just as Hellbent was jumping over him. He sucked in more stormlight and braced himself.
  11. So he brought Shallan to tell Kelsier and Jasnah that he had a girlfriend.
  12. Benson ran the opposite direction, fleeing the man.
  13. A laser blast flew straight for Hellbent's chest from an alleyway.
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