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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. 14 Bensons stumble out of the kitchen from different exits GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN!!! Delarin roared
  2. Benson smiles back. People are catching on. He lets his illusion fade. A rustling can be heard in the back
  3. Benson walks in and sits at the bar, asking for sapphire wine
  4. But whenever a butterfly was eviscerated by shrapnel, they exploded into more butterflies.
  5. My input: Interesting... This character is special. Luckily, in my sinature, I have a spoiler containing other spoilers. Click on the fourth one and that has a character that is shockingly similar to yours. I would call Edahs good if Galavian is.
  6. Dealrin looks at Daybone. "Welcome to the happy inquisitor! You're a worker right?" Benson looks from the bar holding a glass of some mysterious liquid and very drunk
  7. *Turns into Hasharan* Shoves Star off with plate aided strength
  8. Exept an illusion Benson walked out the kitchen. The real Benson went out the window
  9. Thanks @MacThorstenson for scoring him! But I think I will scrap this version and make my main character have all 3 powers from DE
  10. Benson’s illusion fades as the real Benson stumbles out of the kitchen, very drunk
  11. Benson slouches in his seat. Or at least it looks like he is...
  12. We don't have to put things in spoilers. Right?
  13. My cookies are not not always spiked!
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