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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. "But... Look at my profile! I am a changed man!" Benson said.
  2. *Transforms into Benson* Horneater White please!
  3. Keep in mind. I am not an official mod. I just score characters and disagree with voids 100% of the time Grand total: 100 + 80 -25 = 155 Don't go adding another weakness to your character to balance it out just yet. I could be wrong about that weakness. (Sorry again, mods!)
  4. Any characters have to be scored? I am happy to help!
  5. *Transforms into Delarin* I have never spiked a cookie. That is evil *Transforms to Bean* *Smiles*
  6. The fly is destroyed as Vasher breaks the promise he made to never hurt a fly. Henceforth making him evil
  7. This probably has already been brought up before, but is Brandon Sanderson among us, public or anonymous? Does he participate in discussions? Does he secretly drop hints in threads? Does anyone know of an account he has? Brandon, if you are reading this, I am on to you...
  8. Aw, Invocation, you ruin all my fun!
  9. I'd say Mistborn is a good next one. Here, have a cookie!
  10. Tell me when you get 42 upvotes. I need to ask a question of someone who understands the universe

  11. It's kind of weird that we're having two conversations at once. Want to consolidate?
  12. I wouldn't have trouble believing that Brandon put himself in the cosmere. And who better to pick than the world hopper?
  13. Ah! That's awesome! Hoid knows about instant noodles?
  14. *Transforms into Delarin* Noodles? *Transforms back into Bean* What is this "Hoid/noodles thing?"
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