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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. Bean wonders why Alvron isn't hugging or crying as he hugs and cries more.
  2. Yes, but topics that may make some people feel uncomfortable is what I try to avoid.
  3. Cookies are great! Eat the delicious safe cookie!
  4. I think we’re on the same page. I disagree with this
  5. The index says that 50 must be used on skills. If the max was 50, why do we have 60 point skills?
  6. Granted. You get Sanderson-fan discrimination instead. I wish for only As in my report card
  7. I am the champion, I am the champion! No time for losers because I am the champion of the forums!
  8. @Invocation, this character would be guaranteed good, except you need 50 points of skill. So add 20 points and hope that your weakness is enough to balance your character out.
  9. *Sings* I am the champions, my friends, and I’ll keep on fighting ‘till the end!
  10. Granted. You lose your day vision I wish for straight As
  11. Purple They’re a trump fan The c turtle and goldfish
  12. I don’t think that it has a value in the index and it honestly has pros and cons to it. More cons, but it would be -5 max
  13. I think I can’t quote someone on this, but I believe that Odium is restrained by Honor’s last action and cultivation is the prison guard. That way, if Odium works to escape, it would take a great deal of his power leaving himself vulnerable to cultivation. But he can minorly influence Roshar though and command his forces that aren’t bound down
  14. Here. Hang on. This isn't really a discussion for a public thread.
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