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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. Chaos then began his quest to search for Menace. Obliterating all who stood in his way.
  2. Narrator Chaos came as he heard, "Menace." I just don't have the courage to @ him.
  3. Power is fine. Have you seen Delarin? She's completely OP. Thing is, she's defense based only. I was only asking for more clarification on the weaknesses. If he's defensive too, then I could see him being approved. Keep in mind that I don't actually have authority to do this. MacThoreston or Voidus will most likely look at him later.
  4. Did you listen to shardplate cast? They talked about it so much.
  5. Cool. I would expect the mods to completely disagree and do away with my scoring, but call your character fair. I mean, 90 points is a lot of wiggle room. Now, we wait. Wait for someone important to see this... @Voidus @MacThorstenson @Nohadon @Kidpen @Lord Meeker
  6. Buy an iPhone 6 then. They still got 'em. Plus AirPods are awesome!
  7. No problem! Maybe he could use a staple gun or a riveter in combat too. But I gather that you mostly expect to be using his talent for combat.
  8. Here we go: 30 + 50 + 20 - 25 - 10 - 5 = More than fair most likely. So fair, invocation. Fair far fair. Specifically, that adds up to 60 @Invocation
  9. Eh, it's fine. I just thought it was funny. I'll score it in a sec if you want.
  10. True. *feels a click in his head* What if shardblade forms are limited to roughly the height of a man? Because, I mean, what would stop a radiant from making a 30 foot blade and cutting through lines upon lines of men?
  11. I would love to have that guy be me! RPing my very prominent idiocy! I'll make a character like that. Oh yes! Willshaper!!!! Character:
  12. Ah. Kay. I'll not make an extremely combative character like I usually do.
  13. Well, not cut through. Smash through. It just seems OP.
  14. You confuse me, DoomStick.

    1. beantheboy12


      You're username...

    2. Doomstick
    3. AonEne


      Yes, you are username.

  15. So if a windrunner made a sphere around himself and rolled down the tower, would he just smash thousands?
  16. So... what exactly is a horror RP then?
  17. So investiture is allowed? It didn't seem that way at first.
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