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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. Galavian watched in horror as the armor began to crack from the shoulder. Immediately, he reached into the armor and pulled out a small blue marble. The armor solidified around him.
  2. Galavian attempted to dodge but was hit in the shoulder by one. He got to his feet and poured more gunpowder in his armor. He braced himself then shot bullets at Shard of Thought and prepared a missle launcher
  3. Galavian grunted as a surge of power hit his chest. He quickly willed white steel to patch it up. Storms, he was running low on spare components. He lashed himself at her and tackled her, exploding with gunpowder all the while.
  4. Galavian sighed. Shields were annoying. He lashed himself at her and kicked with spiked feet at the shield, igniting gunpowder at the same time
  5. Galavian smiles and fires a missle at her, this time, lashed several times forward
  6. Bingo one form avoided the missle. Galavain pursued, firing bullets at and around her, as to prevent dodges the best he can
  7. The sword hits him, forcing him forward. Galavian grunts, And turns around. Missles have proven effective before. He fired one in the direction the sword came from
  8. Galavian dismisses his gun and a long white sword grows out of white steel. He lashes himself at her and slashes in a wide ark
  9. Galavian fires a spray of bullets at Shard of Thought and laughs. He could feel a push on his mind in a spot that felt empty and dead.
  10. White steel begins to dissipate at his legs in order to keep up the barrage. Galavian stops and lashes himself at the shields and begins to pound on them with gunpowder.
  11. Galavian watches as the boulders turn to dust. “Storm it.” He begins to sacrifice a large amount of components to fire many missles at the shields. In hopes to break through
  12. Galavian lashed himself to walk on it and touched the ground, igniting gunpowder on the wall. It exploded and he lashed the pieces at Shard of Thought. Following right behind the debris
  13. Galavian lashed himself straight at Shard of Thought
  14. Galavian lashes himself out of the way and fires another missle
  15. Galavian notices and stops the lashings. White steel begins to spark gunpowder beneath him to slow his fall. When he hits the ground, his gunpowder veins are significantly depleated. He pours a horn of gunpowder on his forearm and watches as the veins grow back on white steel. He relaxed and sprays bullets at Shard of Thought.
  16. Galavian dismisses the missle system into white steel and lashes himself at Shard of Thought. Marsh’s stormlight runs out and he begins to fall down from 5000 feet
  17. Galavian pauses and takes careful aim with his right arm. He aims, then fires a missle at 500mph straight at Shard of Thought. He aimed correctly this time.
  18. Galavian curses and lashes himself after her, spraying with bullets
  19. White steel grows and grabs on to Shard of Thought’s foot. Galavian lashes himself backward and begins to slash at Shard of Thought with swords
  20. Galavian once was a genius but has had brain damage, therefore immune to telepathy. He lashes Marsh up.
  21. Bean magically turns into Galavian and decks Marsh while blocking the hit with white steel.
  22. Bean wakes up. Ruin decks him for stealing his investiture then leaves. Bean looks around. Only Stick and him are awake. Vin, Kelsier, Szeth, And Nightblood are all lying around. Bean sighs. If only he had as fortunate a fate as Shard of Thought.
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