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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. Bean decks the stick who doesn’t break. He pauses then decks it again. The stick is so stubborn, it won’t break. Bean decks and decks and decks and decks then passes out from decking so much. The stick remains unbroken
  2. Bean decks Kelsier and Ati one last time and then charges at the new battlefield. Decking Vasher, Vin, Shallan, And Marsh several times over.
  3. Vasher wakes up for a moment and then attempts to deck Szeth and Vin, then falls unconscious. Vin sprays coins at Shard of Thought while the confused Marsh is captured by Shallan Kelsier and Bean both deck Ruin until Ruin is shattered
  4. Shallan releases thousands of projections of herself and Marsh. She escorts the real Marsh away. Ruin decks Bean, Kelsier decks Bean, Bean decks Ruin
  5. Vin leaves to help Shallan. Bean decks Ruin, Ruin decks Kelsier. Szeth and Vasher deck each other and both fall unconscious. Kelsier decks Bean.
  6. Shallan decks Shard if Thought. (Of course!) Ruin decks Dalinar, Kaladin realizes he is protecting nobody and leaves, Vin decks Dalinar, Kelsier decks Ruin, Bean decks Nightblood, Vasher decks Szeth and takes back Nightblood, Nightblood decks Ruin and Dalinar stops dividing the people by decking
  7. Kelsier decks Bean, Szeth decks Vasher and takes Nightblood, Nightblood decks Vin, Bean decks Nightblood, Vasher decks Kelsier, Kaladin decks Dalinar, Ruin decks Kaladin, Dalinar decks Bean. Shallan decks Shard of Thought
  8. Nightblood decks Odium, Vasher decks Szeth and takes Nightblood, Kelsier decks Odium, Ruin decks Bean, Bean decks Vin, Vin decks Odium, Kaladin decks Vasher, Dalinar decks Odium, Shallan leaves to go to Marsh.
  9. Bean decks Ruin, Ruin decks Bean, Kelsier decks Ruin, Szeth decks Vasher again and takes nightblood, Dalinar decks Kelsier, Kaladin decks Ruin, Vin decks Bean, Shallan decks Vin
  10. Vasher decks Szeth and takes back nightblood. Kelsier decks Ruin, Dalinar decks Szeth, Kaladin decks Kelsier, Vin decks Bean, Ruin decks Preservation, Bean decks Ene
  11. Vasher and Szeth deck each other, Nightblood doesn't know who to deck so he decks Shallan, Dalinar decks Kaladin, Bean decks Szeth, Szeth decks Ruin, Ruin decks Dalinar, Kaladin decks Bean.
  12. Granted. He teaches you how to be a thief in dangerous missions with no reward. I wish I knew Kelsier
  13. Nightblood decks Kaladin, Ruin decks Preservation, Preservation takes all the decking, Szeth decks Bean, Vasher decks Ruin, Dalinar decks Szeth, Kelsier decks Szeth.
  14. Kelsier decks night blood, nightblood decks Ruin thousands of times, Bean decks Kelsier, Ruin decks Vasher, Vasher decks Dalinar, Dalinar decks Bean.
  15. Ruin decks Dalinar, Bean decks Dalinar, Kelsier Decks Vasher, and Vasher decks Bean
  16. Bean spares a glance at Shard of Thought for a moment before getting decked by Kelsier. Bean Decks kelsier back and then is decked by Ruin.
  17. Bean puts his back to the wall, ready to deck two people at once, then he notices Kelsier decking Ruin so he decks Ruin too.
  18. Kelsier and Bean pause decking each other for a moment. While Kelsier is distracted, Bean decks him.
  19. Marsh smiles back Kelsier decks Bean Bean decks Kelsier They glare at each other
  20. Shard of Thought is returned to Kelsier by Marsh and Kelsier decks them both.
  21. Kelsier showed up and decked the wrong dude I guess. Kelsier decks Ruin.
  22. Kelsier decks preservation then is decked by Marsh who is decked by Preservation.
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