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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. Marsh burns duralumin and copper and begins to stab more cabbages with iron spikes, and then stabbing them into himself giving himself the strength of a man and 10 cabbages. COMPLETELY UNSTOPPABLE!
  2. Attention, Players, Round 1 Match 2 has ended with Dan as the victor. The bracket will be updated shortly.
  3. The spike has now killed the cabbage. Since it was an iron spike, the spike is now hemalurgic and grants the strength of a cabbage. It smashes into Marsh's hip still attached to the dead cabbage. Marsh erupts with the great strength of cabbage and runs at Preservation with super cabbage speed.
  4. Preservation weaves in and out of the cabbage fired by Ruin and then sticks a non hemalurgic spike in one. He pulls it, then pushes it straight at Ruin at 120 mph.
  5. I'm not entirely sure how brass feruchemy works. Does it store internal heat, or external heat? If a brass ferring were to walk into a raging fire, could they simply store all the heat that the fire provides and avoid burning themselves?
  6. He wiped the cabbage off his face and begin to fire cabbage cannons at preservation.
  7. Oh, I didn't mean to put your name. I don't know why I did. Sorry. And I can come up with a reasonable backstory in a jiffy. Need help?
  8. *Glares back I have actually been waiting a while for people to post in this thread and the Sanderson Meme thread. I got 17 upvotes on one meme and I want to post another. Luckily, I Luv Hats posted recently. NOBODY POSTED ON EITHER THRAD FOR 2 DAYS!
  9. WELCOME EVERYONE TO THE PROFILE, THE BRAINS BEHIND THE ACTION, OF @beantheboy12! Feel free to explore, look around, upvote ;) anything here! Just don't break anything!

  10. Attention, competitors, Round 1 Match 4 has ended. Bellatrix has won. The bracket will be updated shortly and a "summary" of their fight will be posted under matches. (It's quite an... interesting format for a summary)
  11. Delarin burns Bendalloy and runs up to the bottle, slashing at it with a shardblade. ”No White!”
  12. None! (First link in my sig will explain what cookies here are)
  13. Yeah. Don't listen to that. Sometimes overly complex algebra isn't the answer Just consult Voidus and Meeker. I am officially withdrawing myself from this character scoring. (Unless I don't)
  14. I don't know how to score this so if you think my scoring is annoying, just don't click on the spoiler I think I can logically put this through though.
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