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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. I just passed Shard of Thought on the leaderboard! Yay!!!!! Now all I have to do is pass my arch-nemesis in upvotes this week!
  2. It was probably Ruin because I can't see TLR making immortal crazed powerful beasts. But any clue as to what metal it was?
  3. I read all the words (except a few interludes) in WoR and OB. My worst fear for Stormlight 4 is that Kaladin won't be featured in a part. What do you mean?
  4. Thanks all y'all for visiting my profile. It warms my heart to look at my profile and see that a mod (or just a normal dude) visited my profile 9 minutes ago! Welcome!

  5. UUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!! This is the only reason I prefer Mistborn over SA. (Skyward is actually my personal favorite) I COULDN'T STAND THE INTERLUDES, DALINAR'S, AND SHALLAN'S PARTS! UGH! I JUST SKIPPED EVERYTHING BUT KALADIN, SZETH, AND THE BATTLE OF THE TOWER. EVERYTHING ELSE WAS MIND NUMBING TALK. Loved Words of Radiance, but kind of hated Way of Kings.
  6. But doesn't that seem like a waste? The atium also has to be refined.
  7. Marsh had the ability to do both atium Allomancy and Feruchemy. Which spikes gave those since atium isn’t legit temporal/hybrid metal.
  8. So 100% if the time so far Voidus and I have disagreed so this is by no means final . But still, I find it fun Necromancer:
  9. I saw that question and immediately thought of that meme. But Ark’s band name is better
  10. That’s lucky. We only have a warbreaker I think.
  11. Nicrosil Allomancy isn’t even mentioned in era 2 I think. We know about it from WoB.
  12. Steel is nice and all, but I have been more into chromium and Nicrosil lately.
  13. *Summons sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads* Lasers, Sharks, Laser sharks! - Metalbeard
  14. Szeth lashes himself through the dinosaurs, lashing them all upward.
  15. Cool, I'm a Skybreaker apparently! What's your favorite allomantic power?
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