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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. Bean/Benson/Hasharan/Delarin/Galavian/(AJ?) simply dig into the ground and place a sheet of bulletproof glass above them.
  2. I went to the release signing of Skyward where I live, and there was a mock pilot training academy. They told us our callsign had to start with the first letter of our first or last name. If that's the case, I'm Anarchy. A is relatively common so it won't give anything away. Other than that, in order from best to worst, here are mine: Bean Riptide Calamity Anarchy
  3. I expected Benson to be dead by now, and he'll be dead soon. So I just want to develop this character who is probably too powerful, I just want a character I can just be myself as, so I made me. If it seems specific, that's because I just looked at myself and thought about the things. Alesandrel Jutharlin:
  4. *Looks around for a minute* Naw. I'd rather see the action firsthand.
  5. Yep! *Shows a ticket he won at the arcade* I have permission to intrude!
  6. Yes, but they already get more than the +10 bonus. A steel is 45, F steel is 50, compounding is 130. A plus 35 bonus. So yeah, I pinked them all out.
  7. A man with a huge scar across his face walks in and sits at the bar. He slides a crumpled dirty piece of paper across the counter to the bartender. "Take this," he said. "Add it to your listings."
  8. Granted. You get some peace and quiet for once I wish I could be a mistborn.
  9. Keep in mind, this is all combat based. So a tin mind with different attributes isn't all that useful. Seeking, what really is it going to do for you in the alley verse? I mean, piercing copper clouds is great and all, I only know one smoker though. Bendalloy maybe should have been purple, I considered it but leaned more away, Cadmium, time travel isn't helpful in combat. Chromium, oops. Still don't know how leaching works across other magic systems so if it kills shardplate, definitely green. And I automatically pinked all compounders.
  10. This was actually the draft to be put in a google sheet, but I ran out of patience and just posted this. The thing is, think about the nicrosil combos I left out. Iron would kill you, Tin, not that useful, Copper is kinda dumb, Electrum, we don't know what happens when you flair, cadmium and bendalloy don't have much need of flairing, same with chromium and nicrosil. Atium, you don't access it in large amounts anyway.
  11. There are actually 289, and I just considered them all. If you want, I made a chart with all the combinations. Pink is a definitely not, Green is a definitely, Purple is a possibly, I want the mods to look over those. And A steel F Gold is supposed to be purple
  12. The entire Adolin's duel scene, told in memes:
  13. Hey, just curious. I was looking at the index and it's +10 points if you have a complimentary twin born combination. I can only think of two: Crasher, and pulserunner, (a cadmium, f steel) Could we make a complete list of complimentary twin born combinations?
  14. Shard Moash severs the constitution’s soul and fires the Congress. Best Hoid make all the decisions
  15. I understand that you guys work super hard on alleyverse things. If there is anything I can do to ease your burden, I’ll do it.
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