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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. What i've found is that threads normally have mingling conversations. While in character PMs generally stay in character. I've been involved in 2 assassination attempts in the past 3 weeks so I should know
  2. @Voidus, @AonEne, @Some Mod, you should put her in the confusing PM.
  3. Shard Death Star VIII, Anti all anti Shard Death Star Thing Thing, and Shard Moash come to spam the chat.
  4. TLPW will win. Unless we want to ally our forces together and spam this thread, making it the longest and passing the questions.
  5. Still is confused! BUT IS HAVING A GREAT TIME!!!
  6. That's... I've never thought about it. Maybe I should have given my characters wiggle room. That way, I could character development bond a spren. I'll do that with my next character. I think I have too many so once Benson is killed, I'll do what you did!
  7. Hello, and welcome to the shard! Here's an upvote! Love the name!
  8. My scoring isn't official, but here's how I'd score yours. Total: 100 You could probably fit in some extra kind of investiture here. Such as allomantic pewter. But keep in mind, my scoring is not official. I just try to help out though. Once again, well done on the bio! @ZincAboutIt @Lord Meeker
  9. Holy flipping cow! That's at least in the 85th percentile of bios. Well done!
  10. Honestly, my favorite reputation level is Hero of Ages. So when I get all the upvotes, I'll be a hero of ages.
  11. Galavian walks into the middle of the conversation. "I'm supposed to eavesdrop on you. Carry on."
  12. Be grateful that your meaningless lives are-- I'm sorry, but earth is closed today! - Ebony Maw - T. Stark
  13. I have mastered the art of standing so incredibly still, I become, invisible. - Drax the Destroyer
  14. You... you should have gone for the head. - Thanos
  15. Granted. It's classical. I wish that my reputation title was hero of ages.
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