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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. If you could PM me the specifics, that would help We seem to have another misunderstanding. I only imagined him void making brooms or high velocity sausage. Not buildings or anything.
  2. *facepalms* *feels like an idiot* Sorry then. You can ignore that one until I come up with something reasonable.
  3. My rank is lame, unoriginal and nerdy. Usually it is based off my avatar or something I've done to infuriate Ark1002
  4. @Truthless of Shinovar This one looks better. Good job on the bio and weaknesses. Here's how I'd score it: Really depends on the specifics of his 2nd and 3rd ideals. And, BTW, if Benson somehow survives, I'm going to kill off another one of my characters to make room for this guy that has been spinning around in my head for a while. Tell me about this one: Particularly someone who gets what the storms void making is @Voidus @MacThorstenson. You guys seem to be mostly in charge of character approvals so I pinged you.
  5. Reed followed The Big Boss through the station. Apparently, he was meeting up with a buyer today. He liked to bring Reed along as Reed was really the brains behind the gang. Though, he didn't let the other gang members notice. It would draw too much attention. Something he had to avoid on all costs. The Big Boss stopped suddenly and Reed stumbled to avoid bumping in to him. "Wait here," The Big Boss said. "Keep watch." Then he walked to a nearby alley where Reed could see a dark figure waiting.
  6. Malutioganti'amor LIX uses the fury of you using the word, "lemme," a word not found in the dictionary, to dampen Malutioganti'amor LIZ's powers even more.
  7. Malutioganti'amor LIX uses the rage of you not writing "gasps" and capitalizing the g to slowly chip away at Malutioganti'amor LIZ's power.
  8. (I have authority to speak for Sun) Depends. A basic one will be a simple attack. But one that uses all his light reserves would break plate. And the physical enhancements are like stormlight. I was rereading WoK and have been thinking about it all day.
  9. Malutioganti'amor LIX remains in both threads as his master, narrator Bean, likes both threads equally.
  10. GREAT! HAVE THIS COOKIE!!!!! What KR order are you?
  11. Cool. I'll have to do that tomorrow night. No time right now. Will sleep in a minute or two, and well... You've seen the PM.
  12. Malutioganti'amor LIX laughs and inquires as to what kind of person corrected another's grammar?
  13. Malutioganti'amor LIX uses joy for once, joy of people discussing grammar, to resist and anchor his soul in this thread. He is now in the Alleyvese PM, TLT, and TLPW.
  14. Malutioganti'amor LIX comes as he has heard the words, "grammar incarnate."
  15. Just finished my Sci-fi character. On the fantasy one now.
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