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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. Galavian points his Gattling guns around the room. Who?
  2. Galavian zones in again. “What did I miss? Are we fighting yet?” He dons his armor and pulls out two Gatling guns to his hands.
  3. Hasharan walks in the a tavern. “Greetings!” He proclaims. “For all those in here who are itching to fight something, or want to enter a tournament to win stuff, come to the tournament of light, where people will fight with no side effects!”
  4. Galavian zones back in. What happened? Are we fighting yet?
  5. Galavian pulled his arm back and dismissed his armor. "I never get to do anything fun," he grumbles
  6. Galavian perked up, donned his armor, and walked up to Red. "Who's after you and why should we help you? Why not turn you in for money? What are they going to do to you?"
  7. It's a pretty simple question. Does a leacher remove a Radiant's stormlight? I could argue for both. The only thing I can provide pertaining to this topic though is that radiants have stormlight which is investiture while metal isn't.
  8. Hasharan looked over the grand stadium and smiled. A member of his elites signaled him and the two of them walked towards the elevator. They arrived at the lobby of the building and walked outside to great the crowd before them. Hasharan straightened his tie and walked out onto the stage. "Welcome to The Tournament of Light!" He declared with his hands in the air. "As the newest guild in the alleyverse, the diagramists have decided to host an event. So we are proud to present, the deathless battle to the death, The Tournament of Light." He paused and put his hands down. "The event will be a single elimination tournament between participants in a simulated arena by my dear friend Julian Barry," Hasharan said as he gestured to a short man walking on to the stage. "Julian is an epic with the capability to create illusionary projections of a person with equal strength, skill, and powers to the original. Using this power, we'll create completely harmless but genuine combat scenarios." Hasharan took the giant scissors from the elite and cut the ribbon in front of the lobby entrance. "Now," he said, "Let the tournament begin!"
  9. Granted. *Waits five seconds* ... I wish that the last post wins will beat the longest thread.
  10. Granted. The universe makes you Stan Lee who is dead. I wish for Stan Lee to be alive
  11. Galavian dons his armor and watches from the corner
  12. Galavian nods as his armor forms a scissor lift to grab the beer from her jacket
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