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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. Galavian shoots the meeker with a spray of bullets.
  2. I am listening to my physics teacher teach a really easy lecture.
  3. The soul of the treasure seeker teaches the pond of broken hopes at the center of the dead village.
  4. The amethyst judge approaches their throne to determine what happens to this new soul who died in the mountains
  5. Just put your little blinking line thing past the quote and press delete. Or click on it and press delete
  6. Galavian shrugs. “I’m a Rosharan, my family disowned me, I have the surge of gravitation and some fun armor, and I like mushrooms.”
  7. Galavian walks in, in awe of the place. “Wow... wow.”
  8. They visit the small village along the creek flowing from greytop mountain.
  9. Don't listen to him. Ark has a tendency to mercilessly hunt people down in the alleyverse if they upset the ghostbloods. (See spoiler in my sig, Benson)
  10. You guys all hate valentines day, but my brother has it the worst. His birthday is on August 14. So his half birthday is February 14, Valentines Day. He gets "special treatment" from our mom who teases him about the unfortunate date of his half birthday. Don't complain people. I don't mind this holiday though.
  11. Adds another post in order to beat THE LONGEST THREAD!
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