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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. I feel like this got lost during Invocation’d approval. Thought I would just refresh because I need to discuss this guy with people.
  2. Granted I wish for the night watcher to give me no bane but my boon be a million dollars
  3. Granted. You have to go to the ER for cardiac arrest instead. I wish I had a billion dollars.
  4. Well. Here is that strange character I was talking about. He is missing a backstory, but I wanted him to be reviewed as early as possible.
  5. How much wood would you chuck?
  6. Here she is: @Lord Meeker There is also a very strange character that I’ll share here within 2 days. He’s really strange.
  7. Ooh! If Benson survives the manhunt, that seems fun
  8. Lord Meeker did approve it. As far as I know, she's passed. But I have been waiting for it to be added on the list. I've been looking at the second post in this thread, by you, @Voidus. If that's not where I should look, where should I look to see if it's been confirmed? Also I want to resolve her character once and for all before I bring in my... interesting one.
  9. It starts at the very end of page 35 of the chat thread and ends somewhere in the middle of page 36
  10. Hey, @Voidus, could you add Delarin (in signature) to my character list... thing comment spoiler thing... you know? She was unanimously approved in the chat thread as long as she remains non combatant. Which she will.
  11. Aw, no cookies? Here is a sugar free cookie! Approved by Rock himself. Perfectly healthy. And what is your favorite cosmere or I guess, non cosmere book
  12. “So be it.” Benson said as he gave up soulcasting solidness on his illusion. He took a deep breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead. That took work to do. The knife passed right through Benson’s throat
  13. Benson strained to avoid the strike and avoids the strike to his throat, but earns a nasty gash on the side of his neck instead. Gasping, he manages to sputter, “If you strike me down, I shall grow more powerful than you can possibly... oh wait. Nope. You can inmagine that. I will never be gone from you if you kill me.”
  14. Granted. They're made out of glass though. You drop them and they shatter everywhere. I wish I knew which surges void binding could do.
  15. Who would win: A hippopotamus, An aligator, A python, or the stick?
  16. Benson looked up at the note, accepting peacefully his fate.
  17. Granted. You realize he is simply a glorified amateur. I wish to be able to do a backflip.
  18. Benson looked up from his restraints with a smile on his face. "So be it," he said. "I believe this is against the laws of the republic of Alley City. You will be expelled from the government unless you state the exact grounds by which you accuse me of."
  19. If I am no ghostblood, why am I here? Being tried by ghostbloods?
  20. “Well, because I am innocent. I conspired, but abandoned my design. We are all ghostbloods. Those thoughts have certainly crossed our mind before. And also, many people have tried what I thought about doing. And many have been spared. Why am I different? Also, I confessed
  21. Granted. You store it in a coppermond and I wish to bond a spren
  22. “Because I know you’ve done it before.” Benson states truthfully.
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