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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. Hey guys, Benson probably won't cause any more problems at the Happy Inquisitor with horn eater white. He's currently being tried for treason in the city of Oasis in the Alleyverse. You should come watch and support him. And forget that I'm winning...
  2. No problem, but I feel reluctant to give it up. It's only 10:00 here. I'll go all night long.
  3. "No, I won't." Benson said calmly. "May we please proceed?" Benson gestured for the man to replace his gun.
  4. Which sketch is your favorite? I kind of like Texas Hold 'em 2 and I, I, I, I, win
  5. Benson nervously looked at the chair and skittishly walked towards it. He pulled the back of the chair out and sat down, facing the members of the council.
  6. “So,” Benson declared. My trial was supposed to end 45 minutes ago and it hasn’t started.
  7. No. I turn into a half anotomically incorrect man. (Is this Heman?)
  8. *Laughs evilly, but not quite as good* Of course, even though some power is lost in Hemalurgy
  9. Takes all the spikes and spikes himself with all of Lunamor’s powers Wins
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