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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. Yes, I am here to face the council for all the ruckus I caused
  2. Benson stood outside. Ready to enter. Ready to face his fate. He took a deep breath and stepped inside.
  3. Kaladin Let's see: 4829 Bus obviously Over hard I haven't got the foggiest clue. Probably red or brown or black or white or one of the colors
  4. Hey Kaitanrm! I am here to offer you a cookie, and tell you that I am wondering what happens when a compounder gets chromiumed or nicrosiled.
  5. 42 (hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy) Mine (Dunno) Because the GBs are mad at me (Dunno) The force molecules (Star Wars) 4 (Dunno) I'm actually rather tall (Star Wars) Sure! (That could be many things) OK (Dunno) Yep (Also could be many things) Ghostbusters! (Ghostbusters) Yep. That's right. (It's a comedy sketch) Because the editors hate me. (Indiana Jones)
  6. The 1st day of christmas Yes. It's a good conductor
  7. Wait, I still haven’t gotten my food.
  8. Hoid is against the rules Alternatively: Head coach: Dalinar Quarterback: The Lord Ruler Halfback: Kalad’s phantom Fullback: Kalad’s phantom O lineman: Kalad’s phantom O lineman: Kalad’s phantom O lineman: Kalad’s phantom O lineman: Kalad’s phantom Center: Kalad’s phantom Wide receiver: Kalad’s phantom Wide receiver: Kalad’s phantom Tight end: Kalad’s phantom D lineman: Kalad’s phantom D lineman: Kalad’s phantom D lineman: Kalad’s phantom D lineman: Kalad’s phantom Middle linebacker: Kalad’s phantom Outside linebacker: Kalad’s phantom Outside linebacker: Kalad’s phantom Saftey: Kalad’s phantom Saftey: Kalad’s phantom Cornerback: Kalad’s phantom Cornerback: Kalad’s phantom
  9. One of these? Alphabetized for convenience if so, which one?
  10. True, but LR is the Tason hill or is it Tasom?
  11. No Lord Ruler? Waxillium was my first choice for a QB but the Lord Ruler is experienced, fast, heavy, strong, pretty much an unstoppable beast
  12. Oh, I forgot about Elend. And the head coach though. Works out fine! I actually wanted M bot and steelheart if non cosmere were allowed Modified team. Added head coach and changed tight end
  13. Head Coach: Elend Quarterback: Lord Ruler Fullback: Rock Halfback: Sazed Wide Receiver 1: Lift Wide Receiver 2: Vin (atium) O lineman 1: Adolin O lineman 2: Vasher O lineman 3: Ham O lineman 4: Marasi Center: Miles Hundredlives Tight End: edit: Szeth D lineman 1: Dalinar D lineman 2: TenSoon D lineman 3: Marsh D lineman 4: Galivar Middle linebacker: Amaram Outside Linebacker 1: Kalad's phantom Outside Linebacker 2: Kalad's phantom Safety 1: Susebron Safety 2: Vivenna Cornerback 1: Kaladin Cornerback 2: Kelsier
  14. Delarin gives a thumbs up and runs to the kitchen. After a few seconds, she runs right back out carrying a tray full of food. ”I made you more stew, got some chouta, and made some chouta stew” Delarin waits patiently for them to finish their order.
  15. Benson looks up from his table. ”Hey!”
  16. A few lifeless begin to clean up the mess. That’s okay, would you like something to eat?
  17. I love this signature. It provides history about the Dark Alley and a list of victims! 9/10
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