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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. AJ grinned as Nightwielder tumbled past him into the portal, straight upward to the open sky. Where there would be sunlight. He quickly followed through and stared the epic straight down as he fired an enormous spray of bullets at the man's heart. Then, sparing enough time to watch the contact, he teleported back down to the ground as the mist of darkness dispersed. He smashed into the grassy ground. His portals didn't exactly slow down momentum. He felt a few fingers break and wounds he previously thought to have stopped bleeding force themselves open again. He grunted, tears coming to his eyes, as he forced himself to his feet pressing forward. Behind him lay three corpses of epics that had gotten in his way. A fatal mistake. He hopped through a series of portals, approaching the cell. He arrived and examined the building. Storms, he thought. No windows. On a normal day, he would be thrilled as it allowed him to improvise. But now... with her inside... AJ swapped out the clip in his gun, and fired a small bolt of plasma into the wall, sending dust tumbling down the side. He smiled and teleported through the hole he had created. And to his great sorrow, he saw Thought bleeding on the floor, with a long spike through her neck, and bones twisted in unnatural positions. "No," AJ said, voice grim. "No, no, no!" He rushed to her side, then looked up to see an inquisitor standing there. He shot a glare at him and then created a portal beneath him, sending him outside. Then, a larger one beneath him sending him 5 miles away. That should hold him for half an hour at least. "Thought, please, wake up!" He shouted, shaking her.
  2. Post Pending... And guys, now I can only be on at night. And why the storms did you choose TUESDAY, the worst of all my days, to do this?
  3. Galavian fired a spray of bullets at the waiter and turned around, joining the action inside. Boy, what did he have to do for a fight these days?
  4. Hello! Don't worry about lurking at first. Throw yourself in! I did it and it worked out fine!
  5. beantheboy12

    Cumbert Swishysword

  6. Galavian lashed himself off the launching platform on the TUBA complex. He had added that himself as he was among the fastest forces TUBA had and wanted a way to deploy easier. He fell downward, ever downward, until the church came in sight. He noticed a huge explosion and lashed himself there. "Aw man," he thought. "People are blowing things up without me?" As he approached the corner, he noticed, him. The one who got away from him. The waiter. Immediately, he donned his armor and closed his eyes. On his right hand, he summoned a long, curved blade. On the left, he grew a rocket launcher. In the past, they had been very useful. Especially against that one duel. The one in which he died... He lashed himself down and looked at the waiter straight in the eyes. He aimed his launcher, and began to play off of the nano-speakers in his armor, Anything you can do I can do better.
  7. @FatherTiempo, He looks good! I don't even think I have to bother scoring him. It looks like he has 75 points max. Plenty of room to hemalurgically spike something in or bond a spren. AND TUBA WILL GLADLY TAKE YOU! ANY NON-SPIKING BAKERS ARE ACCEPTED!
  8. Anyone good with photoshop? Actually, I could probably do something. Gimme a minute. Got 35 notifications.
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