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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. Aw man. Not even these ones? One of them may contain extremely useful information.
  2. Oh, I was talking about against seers. No chance against steel runners.
  3. I thought of feruchemical zinc too. But also tin savants. What about those guys?
  4. So. Think of this. There's a battle going on. An atium misting is dominating a battlefield. After he clears out the area he's standing in, he looks to his left and sees a steel runner's shadow attack him. So he gets ready to swing his weapon at that spot. Now from the perspective of the steel runner, he's cruising along and is close to the atium misting when he sees that a sword is headed to where he wants to be. This steel runner is not an idiot so he attacks on the other side of the atium misting, as to not be hacked to pieces. Now rewind a bit. The atium misting would have seen the steel runner going to the other side and attacks there instead which therefore makes the steel runner attack on the other side. So that means that the steel runner would have two atium shadows and the atium misting would try to attack both of them, but the steel runner would see that and attack from a different angle. It's like when Vin fought Zane in WoA. She watches Zane's movement to determine the way she attacks. Steel runners can do this too, but much better because they have plenty of time to see it all happen. So therefore, shouldn't a steel runner have dozens of shadows like when atium mistings fight? And shouldn't they be able to beat an atium misting?
  5. Cool off for crying out loud! Just let me win and this will be a lot simpler
  6. Come on, guys. Someone’s got to get it. @AonEne, what about you?
  7. See how many clues it takes for you to come up with a guess for who this is. The clues: (You don’t have to read them in order) Answer: Tell me if you got it!
  8. @ebfritz Oh come on, man. Let him make his own decisions. Have a cookie, they are awfully persuasive
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