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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. That’s actually how my family got introduced to Brandon Sanderson books
  2. Well, the guy who wrote Kaladin is my piano teacher. His story is that he and a friend were making sweet music, but they couldn’t sell it because it didn’t have a theme. They hired a producer and she suggested fitting it to the ever popular Way Of Kings, which neither writer has ever read actually. I could see them making one for another author before Mistborn. You should be good.
  3. There’s the most likely Wisdom as well as that survival shard
  4. Unlocking a door Windrunner: would panic and search for anybody who needed to get into the house and was locked out. Skybreaker: would use a key and open the door while scanning for signs of burglary. Dustbringer: destroys the door. Edgedancer: remembers that they hid a key under their doormat. Truthwatcher: Sees the skybreaker open the door and lets him do it. Lightweaver: Would break down the door and light weave one back Elsecaller: would soulcast the door away and soulcast it back. Willshaper: Leaves. Who has time to unlock a door? Stoneward: would turn the entire door to liquid and walk in. Bondsmith: remembers he gave his key to his friend to unite them with himself.
  5. Muscle Yeah, I thought of that too. Though until Brandon releases a book linking the timelines, I don’t feel like it matters. I put it that way because I thought it would be cool In Hemalurgy, Steel steels physical allomantic powers. So that’s why I included steel spike in there. It would have to be allomantic
  6. I, Hashsaran, swear upon my life that I will serve all superiors in the aims of the Diagramists. I will, above all, serve The Most Brilliant, and defend him from all harm. I will not harm, and will take extreme measures to defend, any and all of my superiors within this guild. I will in all things obey any and all superiors, unless given the order to harm myself. I will willingly put myself in peril to obey The Most Brilliant. I will not willingly seek harm or death while in service of this guild. I will not betray secrets of this guild upon pain of death. Above all, superseding any previous clause, I will obey the diagram, and seek to serve it in all things. This I swear, Hasharan
  7. You can just stand by and watch thousands of rosharans kill those of your own species?
  8. But you're a really small great shell.
  9. Preservation is clearly the opposite of Ruin. Dominion is clearly the opposite of devotion. Honor and Odium are pretty much opposites. This is my idea of shards and their opposites. Tell me what you think. Ruin + Preservation Dominion + Devotion Honor + Odium Ambition + (survival shard) Endowment + Autonomy Cultivation + ?? ?? + ?? ?? + ??
  10. Do you feel bad for the great shells that were hunted?
  11. Well, I would say that a spren for the ever storm would likely be the spren that once powered Urithiru. Also would be the third bond smith spren
  12. Would Kaladin (shardspear) or Kelsier (8 basic metals only) win?
  13. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  14. beantheboy12


    Wow. One word. AMAZING
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