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Everything posted by beantheboy12

  1. Kaladin has the most leadership skills, turning a group of stubborn bridgemen into well... The great bridge four. Though Elend was able to take control of a revolting city.
  2. Brandon wrote in my beat up way of kings, "Stop taking this book into high storms"
  3. During a signing I went to, someone asked, "Will there be a book that incorporates all the worlds of the cosmere?" Brandon said, "Yes, but it won't be an avengers type crossover. It will be a magic system crossover. I think that will be interesting." Hemalurgy would indeed destroy many worlds.
  4. Hemalurgy is of Ruin. Does it only work with Ruin’s investiture?
  5. It's not only Nicrosil, but also metals like Iron and Tin. They can steel aspects universal to the cosmere. Say I stabbed Adolin with an Iron spike. Would I steel his strength?
  6. I think that if all sixteen were assembled, they would form a single being with no intent. AKA, Adonalsium. Here's why. It seems that all shards have an opposite. Many of those are on the same world Like this: Ruin + Most Likely Preservation Honor + Odium Dominion + Devotion (Tell me about this one) Autonomy + Endowment Ambition + ?? That survival shard maybe Cultivation + ?? Ruin maybe That survival shard + ?? Autonomy maybe, Endowment maybe ?? + ?? When someone gets a shard, they become completely changed by its intent and become like it. (Ati -> Ruin) Sazed is a special case. He is still very much himself because he has two shards of opposite intents. If this theory is correct, that all shards have an opposite, then like Sazed, their intents would neutralize into a single being. That can't only honor, but must hate. Can't only preserve, but must destroy. Can't only be devoted, but must execute dominion. A single being.
  7. Benson looks up at the den collapsing around him and burns his steel mind. He dashes away from the explosion, trying to outrun it.
  8. If you drank 91 grams of tin and then you drank 9 grams of lead, (I think that that is the ratio) would you have 100 grams of pewter to burn?
  9. Benson watched the battle in disbelief. Another steel compounder? It is on. He burns his steel mind and dashes at Dwig. He slams a fist into his chest and snatches his guns. He then crouches down and sweeps the legs from beneath Dwig. Not wanting to kill a compounder like himself, he scours the rest of Dwig's person, looking for any valuables or weapons.
  10. My name is Benson Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. I would like to join the ghostbloods I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely support and defend the Ghostbloods and its decrees against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; to forsake all other guilds and clans within the Alleyverse. That I will bear arms on behalf of the Ghostbloods when required by the Council; that I will gather all information, intelligence, and recruitment (when necessary) when required by the Council; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the Council; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me Adonalsium. Benson
  11. But is a spren enough investiture to resist pushes and pulls? It really is solidified investiture too. Maybe even less than that in atium
  12. Can atium be pushed or pulled? The only time we see atium manipulated by steel or iron is when Vin is fighting Rashek in the end of mistborn. Kelsier also burned steel and iron to find the location of atium crystals. But he never pushed or pulled on them. Vin is drawing upon preservation when the pulls on Rashek's bands, so you can't use that as an example. Likewise, if shardblades and shardplate are Honorium, then could allomancers push or pull on those?
  13. Odium can't consume investiture though. Nightblood can
  14. Definitely the nalthusians vs. the rosharins
  15. If Ruin would build something to knock down two things, would preservation shatter ruin to bring more preservation?
  16. It always seems like the good guys win every time. Shards can give divine intervention, but then where would Scadrial's intervention come from if Ruin had Preservation pinned down for the great majority of Hero of Ages. I thought of this a while back and it makes complete sense
  17. When Nightblood kills a person, he takes their investiture. He also feeds off investiture when drawn. If Nightblood gathers enough investiture, he could rival the power of a shard. If he can defeat a shard, he can steel their investiture and defeat teams of shards. Eventually, he could defeat all the shards and become Adonalsium. Right?
  18. Ruin and Preservation chose the scadrian system specifically because it was empty. If there was a moon, it would kind of defeat the purpose.
  19. The way that I perceived Aluminum hemalurgy working was not you stab someone with aluminum and they're void of metallic abilities, it seems you kill someone with an aluminum spike and then stab it into someone. Not just shoot someone with an aluminum bullet.
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