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Everything posted by Kelsier'sGodComplex

  1. "NO GOATING!!!" "Sometimes a hypocrite is nothing more than a man in the process of goating."
  2. Granted, but it hates you and can only answer questions with "Maybe" I wish for better grades. I have only 2 As.
  3. I am a Chocolateward, of the highest ideal. Our first oath is: We shall ensure that all chocolate is made equal.
  4. I agree with this. Does this mean that the picture for Navani is a fabrial? That is what I have always seen it as.
  5. You should watch ten hours of Nyan Cat.
  6. Here is a question. A very hard one. I will not be surprised if you cannot answer it.
  7. Happy Birthday!

    1. Mushroom Catalog

      Mushroom Catalog

      Oh, i didn't even see this! Thanks :D 

  8. I can be so ignorant that I do not even know what a pen flip is!
  9. So, in my ELA class, I have to write a poem about a chosen book. I chose Warbreaker. It has to be in Haiku form. It has to be about how the characters changed throughout the course of hte book. This is what I have so far. Any tips or advice on how to make it better? Siri: Beginning: Unimportant, free Living her life carelessly The princess baby Middle: Father gave her up Father loved Vivenna more Forced into marriage End: Queen of Hallendren Serious and hardworking Time to stop a war Vivenna: Beginning: Controlled childhood Destined to marry God King Oh, wait, nevermind Middle: Unimportant, free Father sent Siri instead Time to go save her End: Turned to a beggar Was taught how to use her Breath She fled with Vasher Lightsong: Beginning: A god people praise He doesn't feel that special Man brought back to life Middle: A coming war starts Time to be responsible The Pahn Khal rise up End: The God King is trapped And Blushweaver has been killed My breath becomes yours. Nightblood: A black talking sword Who is obsessed with evil Does not change that much.
  10. I can make a piano part for any song if I know the guitar chords. Is that weird enough?
  11. If 2+2=4, then why is an elephant grey?
  12. You spelled Shallan wrong. Nice meme though.
  13. I guess The Lord Ruler is out? I say vote for Elend 2020
  14. Granted, but you have REALLY BAD grammar. I wish for a new backpack. Mine is getting old.
  15. I still say Dalinar. He has experience, he is over 35, and follows the codes. Dalinar 2020!
  16. Could you do one with Veil and Radiant? This is so cool! Keep up the good work!
  17. LOL I think Dalinar would be a good candidate too.
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