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Everything posted by Kelsier'sGodComplex

  1. Granted, but that was your bane. You can not wish now. Also, you will now always be as smart as Taravangian is on his worst day. Have fun drooling on yourself. I wish for a phone. I dont have one, sadly.
  2. Is it...............man this is hard.........................................................Dilaf?
  3. You are saying you did not love him enough before!?
  4. Granted, but you are never able to find any pewter or bendalloy. You never have a chance to use your powers. Ha. I wish I was less tired all the time.
  5. If the lint acted like wool, you could make clothes out of it, but I do not know if I would be comfortable wearing something made of another persons belly button lint.
  6. Why did you put your weakness? Granted, but you can only use each power once every thousand years, yet you live a mere 90. I wish for a phone. I don currently have one.
  7. So, they are not refined, and good at their job? Is it Breeze?
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