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Everything posted by Kelsier'sGodComplex

  1. I'm stumped. I don't know any characters with a favorite color. Well, dont remember any.
  2. I like the Purelake, it seems very relaxed, but because I'm Alaskan, I would feel more at home in the horneater peaks, with all the snow and the mountains and such.
  3. Well, Kaladin kept saying that he was no longer the boy from Hearthstone. He had lived 4 lifetimes. (Oathbringer) I'd say it's the fifth, because it's when he realizes he can be both of them at the same time.
  4. Actually, I said Renarin. Kaladin was close, but I had to go with Renarin.
  5. LOL. Well, there's "By sun and tide it was." and "By Nu Ralik" from Ishikk's chapter in WoK.
  6. I noticed that, too! But, I don't want Adolin to die.
  7. I'm with you. But they have to try and not give anything away, but still have a summary. They are trying their best.
  8. This may not be very good, but I was kinda proud of it. I haven't changed very many of the lyrics, other than changing night into Knight. Hope you enjoy! [Verse 1] {Kaladin} The rain falls, with gravity [the weeping] The earth turns, from sanity Taking my only friend I know, He lives a lie, his name is Hope {Tien} [Chorus] {Shallan} I'm never what I like I'm double-sided {Renarin} And I just can't hide {Dalinar} I kinda like it When I make you cry [Evi] {Szeth} 'Cause I'm twisted up, I'm twisted up, inside [Verse 2] {Kaladin} The horrors of the knight melt away Under the warm glow of survival of the day Then we move on, my shadow grows taller along with my fears And my friends shrink smaller as night grows near When the sun is coming, window soothes And the silver lining rides the hills I will be saved for one whole day Until the sun make the hills its grave [The weeping] [Chorus] {Shallan} I'm never what I like I'm double-sided {Renarin} And I just can't hide {Dalinar} I kinda like it When I make you cry {Szeth} 'Cause I'm twisted up, I'm twisted up, inside {Shallan} I'm never what I like I'm double-sided {Renarin} And I just can't hide {Dalinar} I kinda like it When I make you cry {ALL OF THEM} 'Cause I'm twisted up, I'm twisted up, inside my mind Do do do do Do do do do Do do do do Do do do do Do do do do Do do do do Do do do do Do do do do [Bridge] {Lift} I'm semi-automatic, My prayers schizophrenic But I'll live on, yeah I'll live on, yeah I'll live on {Venli} I'm semi-automatic, My prayers schizophrenic But I'll live on, yeah I'll live on, yeah I'll live on yeah yeah {Dalinar} I'm semi-automatic, My prayers schizophrenic But I'll live on, yeah I'll live on, yeah I'll live on {Malata} I'm semi-automatic, My prayers schizophrenic But I'll live on, yeah I'll live on, yeah I'll live on {Kaladin} By the time the night wears off, the dust is down And shadows burn I will rise and stand my ground, Waiting for the KNIGHT’S return {ALL OF THEM} I'm never what I like I'm double-sided And I just can't hide I kinda like it When I make you cry 'Cause I'm twisted up, I'm twisted up, inside I'm never what I like I'm double-sided And I just can't hide I kinda like it When I make you cry 'Cause I'm twisted up, I'm twisted up, inside my mind Do do do do Do do do do Do do do do Do do do do Do do do do Do do do do Do do do do Do do do do
  9. Granted, you get eaten by a zinc eagle. I wish for a pair of teleportation shoes, so I can go anywhere I want, anytime, without any negative consequences.
  10. I have very mixed emotions about Hoid. Sometimes I like him (Wit, Warbreaker) and sometimes I have none. (MIstborn)
  11. Granted, now you have sensory issues, so everything you wear is itchy and every smell burns your nose. Have fun! I want to go home.
  12. "Sometimes a hypocrite is nothing more that a man in the process of change." -Nohadon "i am a stick" and "Then she smiled." -Kaladin, talking about Shallan, in the chasms. He talks about how she is way stronger than him.
  13. My callsign? hmmmmmm Probably Cake. My middle name is Kate, but when i was little, I legitimately thought that my middle name was Cake. My parents tried to correct me, but it didn't work. I have henceforth learned that my middle name is indeed, Kate. That's why my callsign is cake.
  14. Granted, but you starve to death every other minute. I wish for a not stuffy nose.
  15. Question. Because Renarin bonded with a corrupt spren, is his shardblade corrupted, too? With it look different from others?
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