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Everything posted by Kelsier'sGodComplex

  1. I agree with this entire thing. I hate the graphic novels. Its only redeeming factor is the art of the last chapter. That is the only thing that makes me want to read book three. I haven't read it yet. Probably won't. At this point, I don't really want Kenton to save the Sand Mages. They can go die in a hole for all I care.
  2. So, in Words of Radiance, when Adolin and Kaladin emerge from jail, Bridge 4 and Renarin greet them. Of course, Renarin immediately runs to his brother. Then, the book says this... I've heard of fidget cubes, but I didn't think they had them on Roshar. What do you guys think it is?
  3. There are a lot of good curses! Such as: Storm it! Stormfather. Rust and Ruin Lord Ruler! Scud! (skyward) Colors! And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Y'all wanna name any else?
  4. So, on page 54 of Oathbringer (big version with pictures), it says this: "This storm was different. It felt vengeful." Sooooo, it's talking about the Everstorm. That is created by the Singers. Humans are the voidbringers. The singers want to get rid of the humans because they are not from there. So, is the storm vengeful because the singers created it? Or am I just reading into it too much? What do y'all think?
  5. That hit me hard too. I didn't really love Kelsier, but his last words made my eyes a little watery. Tien's death was awful. I was very happy when Adolin killed Sadeas. When Dalinar heard that Kaladin was back, and went running, I was really happy. I agree with this wholeheartedly.
  6. Granted, they bother you when you sleep. I wish for an empty soda bottle, so I can make a rocket.
  7. Granted, but no one asks you for a boon. I wish for a 2 liter bottle of soda.
  8. When you find only one glove in your house and think of the Alethi.
  9. i'd live on Threnody with no Silver. Two knights radiant barely survived. I definable can't. Would you rather: be a steel misting or an iron misting?
  10. Granted, but you die. Now your dog has no owner or family. He has no love and is now a stray. He lives 20 sad, loveless years. I wish for a new pair of headphones.
  11. Granted! But like Taravangian, you're IQ fluctuates at the worst times. You need to do a test? 5 IQ. You need to interact and be social? 160 IQ. Good luck! I wish for a new coat.
  12. Yes, but you can only control one drop at a time, and once a day. I wish for a 4.0 gpa. My current one is only a 3. something.
  13. I've heard real stories kinda like this. I heard about an autistic kid that was amazing with numbers. If you threw a huge handful of plastic forks on a table, he would instantly be able to accurately tell you how many there are. There are some people out there that are similar to Adien, but of course, his skills are stronger.
  14. She just started Way of Kings and I'm waiting for her to get to the part when Kaladin first uses Stormlight. Her mind is gonna explode. WoK spoilers
  15. So, my friend recently finished the Mistborn books of era 1 and 2. She comes up to me and asks, "So, do all the Cosmere books have allomancy?" I just laughed and said, "Child, you know nothing." There are so many magic systems it's amazing. Good job Brandon.
  16. I'm with you. I kinda want to see how he reacts to being the only one without a bonded spren. I don't want to cause my boy pain, but I think it's an important piece of his character development. I do think it is possible though. I just don't know how.
  17. I want to see Adolin's and Renarin's reactions to finding out what happened to their mom. What Dalinar did.
  18. What's the Kaladin album!? Why have I never heard of this! That is awesome, by the way.
  19. Well, Brandon didn't confirm that they were from Roshar. He said that answers are coming. He also said that they ARE somewhat related to Scadrial. When do you guys think the answers will come? I'm thinking maybe is SA4 or 5.
  20. I feel dumb. I know who the Shin are, but what do they have to do with metal? I know that I should already know the answer, but my brain is failing me. Why would they not be from Roshar?
  21. I kinda don't want there to be a movie, I want to force the potential movie fans to read it. The book is ALWAYS better.
  22. Has she read any of the other Cosmere books? She needs to approve of those ones, too.
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