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Everything posted by Kelsier'sGodComplex

  1. I know. I love the ocean, and I want to be known for bringing good luck! I get to live a long time, too.
  2. I think it should be a tv show, not a movie. If it was a movie, they would have to cut out A LOT. We don't want that.
  3. If she likes the Cosmere, you knows that she's a keeper. Good job.
  4. What is the name of the sea creature Shallan sees? The one that is supposed to be good luck? I forgot what they are called. I wanna be one of those.
  5. Question. Is there a bead in Shadesmar, representing the sun in the physical realm?
  6. Hey Sis! I'm boreddddd......:blink::(

  7. Did Adonalsium have his own realm that he lived in? Or was he in one of the three we already know about.
  8. No. You still feel guilt. Every animal you see will die. Baby humans, too. Have fun with that.
  9. The forshadowing in Warbreaker about Denth and Tonk Fah. That stuff is amazing.
  10. Granted, but now all of your pets die. I wish for a good talent. I'm bad at everything...
  11. Granted, but you are only healthy on the outside....(ha ha ha) you have all the mental disorders in existence, until you can no longer function as a human being, and you can't tell anyone about life on Mars. Also, if you could, no one would believe you. You are delusional. I wish for perfect intonation when I play the cello.
  12. In Shallan's other attempts to soulcast, or use a bead in shadesmar, none of them talked to her. This shows that the stick is, in fact, awakened. He is Mother Nature's version of Nightblood. He is, the Stick.
  13. Granted, but now you need 150 bagels a day. Plain ones. With no toppings. If you forget even ONE bagel, you die. I wish for the next Dungeon Defenders game. I also want it to be WAY better than the second one. The first one was WAY better.
  14. Granted, it is life as a rock. Have fun being immortal, but never moving, because you too big and heavy to move. (You are a big rock) I wish for a new waterbottle.
  15. Granted, you can't eat it. You can only stare at it. Forever it will be in your vision, making you go insane with want. I wish for a muffing, that I can eat, that is not a lie, and it stays fresh forever!
  16. You gonna wish? I wish for a huge cake that never is completely eaten. It will never go bad, and I can eat it. In my opinion, that is one of the worst banes ever. I love reading!
  17. Granted, tomorrow, your school decides to make up for the lost time and make the school day way longer then normal. The adults and students start a riot, which makes the school burn down to the ground. You know longer get an education, now you can't get a job. You live in your mother's basement for the rest of your life. I wish for more energy in the mornings.
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