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Everything posted by Kelsier'sGodComplex

  1. What I meant was could any returned do it? Can any Breath only heal physical ailments or mental ones too?
  2. Granted, college sucks. I wish to have all the knowledge of the Cosmere.
  3. I was in bed trying to sleep when a thought popped into my head. In Warbreaker, it says that a God King can heal a lot of people at a time (the stomach aches). Can he only heal physical ailments? Can he heal the mentally sick? And could he, theoretically, heal the rift between Idris and Hallendren? What do you guys think?
  4. Granted, you lose your vocal chords and all communicating abilities. You are also blind. I wish to be omnipotent.
  5. Stick stick stick Stick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stick Stick stick stick Stick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stick Stick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stick Stick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stick Stick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stick Stick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stick Stick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stick Stick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stick Stick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stick Stick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stick Stick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stick Stick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stick Stick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stick Stick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stick Stick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stick Stick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stick Stick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stick Stick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stick Stick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stick Stick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stickStick stick stick
  6. Granted, you never get anything good, just banes. You no longer have luck. All you can do is break mirrors, walk under ladders,open umbrellas indoors, and brush your feet with a broom. I wish for the dress on the cover of Warbreaker. (it's pretty)
  7. Granted, but you also have Eternal itches all over your body. You scratch so much that your skin falls off. It is extremely painful. You're still happy though! I wish for a cookie.
  8. Granted, you lose them, and you never find them again. I wish for a Utah truffle
  9. You know you're a Sanderfan when you hear your teacher talk about religious persecution, and you think of Warbreaker.
  10. Granted, you get spoiled Ketchup. (It's not the same as ketchup...) I wish for my own personal library that has every book ever written, past and future. (So I can read SA 4)
  11. Granted, but now you are mean. I wish for a good nights sleep.
  12. Granted, but you also get Crappiness. I wish for the tenth pancake.
  13. ERMERGERSH!!! YASSS! I LOVE the Princess Bride!!! As you wish! Wesley You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. Inigo Montoya Inconceivable! Vezzini
  14. Granted, but so are you. You get teased so much, you move to Australia where a...(wait for it..) Ha. I wish for hair like the Disney princess, Merida. (The Scottish one.)
  15. Granted, it is a concrete room, with only a table and chair (They are very uncomfortable) and you are stuck in there with your worst enemy, Moash, and Dilaf. Forever. I wish for no bane.
  16. Granted, but your hand hurts instead. I wish for a flower that smells like poop, so I can give it to my enemies.
  17. Granted, but she hates it. I wish I could have a pet bunny so I can name it Lift.
  18. Is the King Jasnah talked about? I forgot his name. He had assassins try to kill him multiple times, so he killed his family, then chocked to death? I think I spelled chocked wrong. ugh Edit: I'm guessing Kelsier now, too, @Lunamor
  19. This character is dead. This character was killed by it's own species. The person this person was killed by is older than them HMMM!?!?! I got nothin.
  20. Lift is my favorite Stormlight character. I don't know if this is unpopular or not, but it seemed like it.
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