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Everything posted by Kelsier'sGodComplex

  1. Granted, you are deathly allergic to caffeine. I wish for an apple.
  2. Maybe the Shardplate held more Stormlight. Or maybe Voidlight makes Shardplate silver?
  3. I was bored. So I thought about OB. I then realized something. (OMG! What could it be?! ) In the book, Shallan asks Adolin what happened to his mom. Adolin tells her that she was killed by assassins. Do Adolin and Renarin know how Evi was killed?! I mean, they didn't know at first because Dalinar didn't know, but now that he does...? What do you guys think?
  4. There is nothing perfect, there is only life. -Collected Ishes 1176, 1 minute pre-death. Subject was a deaf priest of the Vorin religion.
  5. But whenever he lied, or was holding in a fart, he would sparkle 100% more. It was SUPER embarrassing.
  6. Granted, but they replace them with even LOUDER, shriller, noise makers. I wish for a nap.
  7. Poor dirt. Think of all the responsibilities it has. Without it, there would be no PUPPIES! Also, people would run out of air, but PUPPIES!
  8. Dilaf. I don't think I have to explain my hate for him.
  9. Granted, but your main is Mercy. Have fun trying to heal all those players that didn't group up! I wish for a cake. That I can eat. It is fresh. It is perfect.
  10. Granted, it heals, but you will always have a small peice of nail hanging off. If you pull on it, it pulls your finger off. Have fun! I wish for a go cart.
  11. Are you gonna wish? I wish for a new pair of running shoes. @equinox My recipe is as follows. Go to Costco find poppy seed muffins buy them leave the store eat them
  12. Granted, it dies. I wish for unlimited fresh poppy seed muffins that I can eat.
  13. "No, I don't think I will. Thank you so much for worrying about my health. You're so thoughtful." Yls said. Her pup gave a squeal. He couldn't talk, but he could understand the coversation.
  14. Same here. I loved the bridge 4 chapters, but I didn't like Kaladin that much. He was too moody and deppresed all the time. I know he has deppresion (Who can blame him) but it's too much.
  15. As qucik as a blink, Yls grabbed her pup by scruff and jumped into the nearest tree. The wolf was too heavy to follow her. "Foxes are very patient you know. We'll be up here a while."
  16. Kelsier: The main thing I hate about him is the fact that HE DIDN'T JUST GO TO THE BEYOND WITH MARE!!! HE JUST HAD TO REBEL AND PUCH GOD IN THE FACE!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DON'T NEED TO TRAUMATIZE POOR SPOOK EVEN MORE JUST SO YOU CAN LIVE AGAIN AND RUIN MORE PEOPLE'S LIVES!!!!!! AAAAHHHHH Thank you for this opportunity to rant @Bigmikey357.
  17. Yls watched the Wolf staring down at her. Her heart was racing. She couldn' show fear though. She had a reputation. She quickly came up with a response, "Solona can't help you, you know. She's a ghost. She's lying to you." She hoped that this would confuse the Wolf.
  18. Yls loved watching this. She loved confusion. She loved it because she could use it. The Wolf was friends with a tree? She wasn't expecting that.
  19. Yls didn't want Tsurt to see a wolf eating people, so she made him go back in the den. She stood guard at the den entrance.
  20. Yls watched from her den. No one could see her from her den. She had to keep telling Tsurt to stay in the den. He was very curious about the wolf.
  21. Yls had been watching the whole thing. She loved it when a plan fell into place. She had been the one to tell the wolf to come, just in case Briar didn't leave. Now that the wolf was here, she feared for her pup. She quickly ran into the forest to her den.
  22. She sees a fox. (Me) The fox aks her who she is. The fox explains that the lake is her territory. She seems kind though. She explains that her name is Yls.
  23. I'll be the fox in all of Aesop's fables. Does that count? If not, I'll be a mermaid! FISH POWERS!
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