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Everything posted by Kelsier'sGodComplex

  1. Granted, but you are also one with ASMR. Every time someone talks, you hear it as ASMR. I wish for death.
  2. I actually love marine bioligy, and want it to be my career, so I already new all that, and I also LOVE David Attenborough's voice, so thats a pretty good bane. Granted, but everytime you take a bite potatoes, you shart for one minute straight. (Great boon, by the way! )
  3. My character's name is Kiva. She is a zinc misting (Rioting). She is very intelligent but shy. Everyone thinks that she can't use allomancy. She good at manipulation, but doesn't like doing it. She also is a gold feruchemist.
  4. Granted, she doesn't love you back. She only wants your money. I wish for the ability to breath underwater.
  5. If Dalinar didn't burn down Rathalas, he wouldn't have gone to the Nightwatcher. Then we wouldn't know that he could have talked to Cultivation. I think that is some crucial information. But everytime I think of that, I tear up a little. I MISS YOU EVI!!! Do Adolin and Renarin know about what happened? In the books, Shallan asks Adolin where his mom is, and Adolin tells her that assassins killed her. HMMMMMM? Sorry if I spelled her name wrong, haven't read OB in a while.
  6. That's just mean, but some the cellists in my orchestra need that. One of them stopped in the middle of a preformance to BRUSH HIS HAIR! When I talked to him about it later, he accused me of doing it. I do not like that cellist.
  7. The blade was sucked into the clown's chest, giving the clown the powers of an Elsecaller.
  8. Granted, but since it is so far away, even after it's dead, light still comes our way. The explosion does nothing whatsoever until 2060. I wish for a Reese's chocolate.
  9. Malutioganti’amor LIX refused, he thought it was below him. Sylphrena volunteered instead.
  10. Granted, it was cleaned by dirty cockroaches that you can never get rid of. Have fun. I wish for a third hand.
  11. But Shallan protects Pattern, the leader, and a war starts between the police and LIX.
  12. Kelsier used his allomancy to pull all the metal off of her, to make her lighter.
  13. The 2 armed herdazians all wanted to be like Lopen, so they all cut off one of their arms, but were saddened when they realized that Lopen now has 2 arms.
  14. Granted, but only your head grows taller. I wish for unlimited health.
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