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Posts posted by Kelsier'sGodComplex

  1. 6 minutes ago, Dalakaar said:

    Am I this Topic's godfather, uncle maybe? :huh:

    I don't hate Moash but he's so far my least favourite villain in the series. I just sort of find him uninteresting. The circumstances around him, the dagger, etc, they have me interested, but as a character Moash just seems, boring. Pretty flat. If you had told me in WoK what he'd wind up doing in OB I would've balked. I felt like his plot-line was going to be a small arc that finished up quickly. (Since it didn't feel like it merited much more...)

    I disagree. Moash is the devil incarnate. All those who say likewise are about as trustworthy as the Ghostbloods. I am sorry @Dalakaar.

  2. On 1/4/2019 at 2:17 PM, 2001Kra said:

    So, for me, I had an interesting experience with Elend. I loved his character in book one. Went down in enjoyment some in 2, but still liked him. Then he got lerasium. The moment he got more powerful than Vin, I hated him. Every time it showed up, I wanted to throw the book across the room. And then Vin burned the mists a second time, and I liked him again. By the end, I loved him. So, yeah, Love, like, hate, like, love. Strange.

    I'm interested in seeing other peoples experiences with Elend.

    SAME! I love Elend, but when he turned into an UBER strong allomancer, I just began to hate him. I only liked him again he found all the Atium Mistings

    BTW, what are those called?

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