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Everything posted by Kelsier'sGodComplex

  1. Huh, I have no idea. I'm kinda new to 17th shard...
  2. Do you know if Secret History is before or after the restoration of Elantris? I have no idea.
  3. I'm also wondering what that orb was. The one that he stole? I have no idea.
  4. Me neither. I was told by @Mailnaise, my sister, that the pool outside of Elantris is Cultivation's perpendicularity. If that is true, that would explain how an Elantrian got to the Cognitive Realm.
  5. I'm just wondering what Aon he saw. Is there an Aon for age? Also, how could he understand their language?
  6. Granted, you will be tired tomorrow on. (Tomorrow to forever ) I wish for a chocolate with no bane attached.
  7. I don't know if people have already talked about this, but I'm gonna talk anyway. I was re-reading Secret History, when I read something strange. I was at the part when Kelsier is spying on the Ire, and he describes one of the leaders as the following: "Wizened, dried up, the woman had puckered lips, a bald scalp, and strange silvery-dark skin. She glowed faintly..." I don't know about you, but that sounds like an Elantrian. I don't know if Secret History is before or after the restoration of Elantris, but still. Later, Kelsier has a vision, "As she said the word, this time Kelsier got a sense of it's meaning in the language of the green plants. It meant "Age," and he had a sudden impression of a strange symbol made from four dots and some lines that curved, like ripples in a river." That sounds like an Aon to me, but what do you guys think?
  8. I don't know if this counts... I ship Shallan and Adolin, but ALSO Veil and Kaladin. I don't know how it would work, but I ship it.
  9. Granted, you get the life of a murderer. I wish for a pair of socks that never disappear in the washing machine!
  10. How old do you think his grandparents are, it they are still alive, I mean.
  11. I become a botanist and save it. I wish for snow everyday so I can go sledding alot.
  12. Granted, but they are all rocks. I wish to stay 25 forever. (I'm not 25 yet )
  13. Granted, but it is turned into a stick that refuses to obey you when you touch it. I wish for a pillow
  14. Granted, I eat them all. I wish for a cactus so I can name it Janet.
  15. Granted, but you can only respond with the word yeet. I wish for a horse.
  16. Granted, but none of them speak English, or write English, and they will never learn. I wish for a mistcloak that I can wear.
  17. Granted, but you can only spell amazingly in other languages. Your English spelling skills grow even worse. I wish for a 1 dollar bill.
  18. Granted, thay are all downvotes. I wish for a box of macaroni.
  19. You should add the plants growing on the sides of the plateau walls!
  20. That is AWESOME!!! Good job dude! I love the spren and the llittle Kaladin!
  21. As my sister @Mailnaise said, I am 12. I started reading The Way of Kings a few months ago.
  22. Granted, but you have the knowledge of a 1st grader, don't get a job, and grow homeless. I wish for a Koloss sword.
  23. Granted, but the first time you world-hop, you forget how to do it. I wish to be a Mistborn, with unlimited amounts of every metal.
  24. Granted, but it is dead. I wish for a freash cake that I can do whatever I want with it. (Like eat it.)
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