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Everything posted by Kelsier'sGodComplex

  1. Granted, but they don't remember anything and they don't care about the cosmere. EDIT: I wish for a cake.
  2. Granted, but it is hollow and rotten. I wish for no homework, but I still want to have straight As. I also want the knowledge I would gain by doing homework.
  3. Granted. It's hollow and rotten. I wish for a usable kite.
  4. Granted, the grain of salt is in the stomach of a chasmfiend, and if you try to get it, it will evaporate. I wish for a llama named The Stormfather
  5. Granted, but they all have pictures of you enemy killing your family. LOL I wish for a shirt that syas what I want it to say always.
  6. Granted, but if you touch it, it turns into fire. I wish for the ability to change my boon! LOL
  7. Granted, but you can only change them to brown. I wish for the ability to be fluent in every language on Earth.
  8. My favorite is Shallan. I have no real reason for it. I just love her. And Pattern. I LOVE Pattern. NO MATING!!! @Pattern
  9. Granted, but it's covered in dog hair. I wish to have a loyal pet chasmfiend, that would never hurt me. He would protect me and be my best friend!
  10. Granted, but they are all to B-list movies anf they are all on Monday mornings. I wish for the ablity to go invisible at will.
  11. Hey guys. I saw a forum like this for characters in Mistborn. I changed it to Stormlight characters! Have fun!
  12. Granted, but every time you have an idea, you throw up. I wish for the ability to go into the future so I can read Stormlight 4-10! And Wax and Wayne 4!
  13. I disagree. Moash is the devil incarnate. All those who say likewise are about as trustworthy as the Ghostbloods. I am sorry @Dalakaar.
  14. I hate Moash. What else is there to say?
  15. Granted, but little did you know, that the rice is radioactive and it gives you rice powers. You are now the friendly, neighborhood RICEMAN! I wish for a 24 karat gold cello.
  16. Granted, but you are the only one who doesn't get to leave Earth. I wish to breath underwater and withstand any amount of water pressure.
  17. Granted, but you are the only one who doesn't have any. I wish to be able to shape shift into any animal.
  18. SAME! I love Elend, but when he turned into an UBER strong allomancer, I just began to hate him. I only liked him again he found all the Atium Mistings BTW, what are those called?
  19. Granted, but every time it corrects a word correctly, a baby seal dies. I wish to be as smart as Taravangian when he wrote the Diagram.
  20. I hate Moash more than Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter. That's saying something.
  21. Let your Parshmen do the walking! -Palanquin selling businesses
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