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Everything posted by Kelsier'sGodComplex

  1. Granted, but none of your family or friends get a long life. They all die of unnatural causes within one year of you receiving your boon. I wish for painkillers that took away all pain, immediately.
  2. Granted, you go around the world...in orbit. You float around the earth in space, never again touching the ground again. I wish for the next seasons of my fav shows to come out now, not next year.
  3. Granted, but tomorrow your day will suck. I wish for my boredom to be cured
  4. Granted, but you find everything else 100% slower I wish for some ice cream
  5. Granted, but there are still a crap ton of adds. I wish for AC
  6. Granted, but you the first person you use your powers on is plotting to kill the president. You tell the local authorities, they don't believe you, and you are locked up in a mental hospital. I wish my hair dye would stop coming out.
  7. Granted, but you can only fly between home and the north pole I wish for a kayak
  8. I don't think I've ever really seen pictures of Taravangian on here. This looks awesome!
  9. Granted, you have it and you can research. You can research anything...except the book I wish for a nice pair of shoes
  10. I wish for lots and lots of free time cause I have so many school assignments it sucks
  11. HA! My headphones are so crappy that only one ear works. Your bane made my headphones better than they are LOL Granted, but all their posts suck
  12. Granted, but your'e always tired I wish I hadn't forgot my headphones at home, so I can use them
  13. Granted, but you lost it (LOL) I wish for a stomach that's always full so I dont have to waste time eating
  14. Granted, but you are trapped on Sel, like Odium on Roshar I wish for more music by my favorite artists
  15. Granted, but you can't speak or write, so no one knows about it. I wish for very strong arms
  16. Tokyo Ghoul Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
  17. No bane, no boon. That's what he meant. Your punishment is you no longer have ears. I wish for a cookie
  18. Granted, but you get so many your account crashes. I wish for more sleep.
  19. Granted, but it affects you and no one else I wish for less ELA homework. I have so much it's insane
  20. Granted, but they're all nightmares. I wish for my arm to stop being sore (i got my 2nd covid shot)
  21. Granted, but it comes attached to the main body. Now you have a corpse on your desk. I wish my stomach would stop hurting.
  22. One of my fav quotes from Sazed, that guy in Mistborn (not word-for-word cause I was too lazy to find it) "The whole point having faith is for it to be tested." That quote has gotten me through some stuff Fallout Boy said something similar "Sometimes the only payoff of having any faith, it when it's tested again, and again everyday"
  23. Granted, it's replaced with Socialism I wish for a perfect score in Rifle Team
  24. Granted but it's in Gaelic and you can't change it. I wish for a tub of frosting to go with my lunch.
  25. Granted, it's safe for you, but not for anyone else. Anyone you fly by is immediately burned by the flames coming out the back of it. I wish that WoK would magically appear in my backpack (I'm at school rn) because I forgot it and am now super bored.
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