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Posts posted by Kelsier'sGodComplex

  1. 4 hours ago, Shard of Reading said:

    Granted. You now see everything upside down now. (I.E. it looks to you like you are standing on your head all the time)

    I wish that all banes on this threads would not make it impossible to even access your boon. (You can still get stuff that makes it difficult/annoying to use your boon, but not impossible)

    Granted, but that only applies to this one post. 

    I wish for a better pencil.

  2. 17 hours ago, Random Bystander said:

    Granted. (Although you don't have access to the stormlight you need to power the surges...)

    Your bane is that you are now allergic to all types of investiture. It would make stormlight healing really awkward.

    I wish for a Smedry talent and oculatory skills along with lenses.

    Granted, but you only get them in your dreams

    I wish for a mask that doesn't fog up my glasses, while also not getting into my eyes

  3. On 12/27/2020 at 11:24 AM, Guest Somebody from Scadrial said:
      Reveal hidden contents

    It started as Brandon Sanderson stepped up to die another day. I then messed with it and came up with the AKA part. Have a look through, it's funny.

    The Mull (the Windrunner) flew through the sun to hug yet another young muskrat.

    The Mull (the Windrunner) flew through the sun to hug yet another dead muskrat

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