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Everything posted by Kelsier'sGodComplex

  1. the dragon flew over its wide, barren, and mountainous domain
  2. This is what I imagine 2020 looks like
  3. The cheerful, ergo, drunken Koloss, eagerly fell elegantly onto Lifts albino Shardfork of comical Gluttony
  4. The hotheaded Lord Buckethead skates around the stone Scadrial spaceship spore to annoy 25,000 angry dinosaurs, but 90 groovy chickens danced with 4,000,000 dead and rotting buffalo skin couches imploded.
  5. The Lopen flew hastily around the hardware store to embrace 2,000 groove Rosharan kings
  6. We'll miss you, Alex. I remember playing Jeopardy in school. It'll never be the same again.
  7. Yeah, my ward is still not allowed to sing. We can hum though. It sounds like musical bees
  8. Oh gosh, are you OK? This one happened to my sister, @Mailnaise Been riding a scooter, front wheel gets stuck in a crack, fly over the handle bars, 10 ft in the air, buckle fracture her wrist and chip her knee chap.
  9. No, but I've been on many hour nature hikes. Been on a school sports team (for me, it's rifle team)
  10. Nope. I have stacked wood, though Been a teachers favorite (every year )
  11. I have... It's a game me and my 6 year sis play. I'm forced too Been in a car for over 24 hours straight
  12. I'll resume the game I guess...? Accidentally stayed up past midnight reading...
  13. This needs more Jar-Jar WTWTTSWY you are about to put someone under for surgery
  14. This is a place for you guys to put ur memes, videos, gifs, and pics. But it doesn't have to be connected to the Shard. Get ready to be Rick Rolled, Stickbugged, and distracted
  15. Here's one: Renarin is my favorite character of all the Brandon Sanderson books. I say this is unpopular because almost every time i ask a Sanderfan who their favorite is they say Kaladin.
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