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Everything posted by Kelsier'sGodComplex

  1. Granted, but because of Covid, you can't. It's on zoom. I wish I didn't have any ELA assigments
  2. Sorry, sorry! I still love Ed, I just like to shake things every once in while. (Plus, GreedLing is my fav and you can fight me)

  3. (What country do you live in?!) Granted, it ships a book that has the title "ROW" it's about a boat. I wish I could re read my favorite books like I did the first time. (So, like have amnesia about it so I don't know whats gonna happen again)
  4. I haven't read Mistborn in a while, but I was also crushed at this scene.
  5. I'm not gonna add videos to mine, but they are easy to find on YouTube, in case you wanna hear them. My favorite songs are: 1.) Play with Fire - by Sam Tinnesz 2.) Paralyzed - by NF 3.) Finale - by AJR
  6. Me too! I hope this is true. Definitely seems like something Jasnah would do.
  7. Granted, all the chaos is only in your life, not the world. Good luck. I wish my school wasn't 300 minutes of Zoom meetings every day. With no breaks. Please. I can't take it.
  8. Granted, but you are the medium. The dead ones talk through your mouth. Afterwards, you always barf. I wish my stomach didn't hate me. It hurts like.....a lot.
  9. Do we actually know all the ten fools? I know a few like Edna, but do we have the names and the attributes of all ten?
  10. When you seriously consider naming your future child Kaladin. I may or may not have done this...
  11. Definitely not. My mom started sobbing when they announced the China temple. It took my sister two sessions to realize why they were all six feet apart.
  12. I think he won't be for character development. In OB he talks about being unimportant and how he is not used to it. And when Shallan made a Windrunner Adolin in the battle of Thaylen Field, he looks away, and says, "I can't take that right now." He might eventually be a squire, as he is surrounded by radiants everyday, but I don't he will anytime soon.
  13. GUYS!! MISTBORN SCREENPLAY IS AT 10%! YOU CAN SEE THIS ON BRANDON'S WEBSITE!!! Question: Animated or live action? I personally want it to be animated. For many reasons. 1) The CGI. After the Sonic movie, and Cats, it's clear that we cannot rely on CGI to get it right. The flying with allomancy is probably gonna look really awkward, or look super fake. And the mists will look cooler. 2) The characters will look more accurate. 3) The settings will look cooler, too. I don't know if this is an unpopular popular opinion or not. My sister, @Mailnaise, wants it to be live action.
  14. The post office idea it awesome. I'm not really experienced in the deep lore of Hoid and the Shards, so I don't really know. I doubt he does it in a way that normal people can, though.
  15. I posted the Mistborn video links on the WoK video shoutout thread. you can check em out.

  16. I posted the Mistborn video links on the WoK video shoutout thread. You can check em out.

  17. I'm more of a Dr.Pepper fan, myself. I like Root Beer and Mt. Dew, also.
  18. SORRY SORRY! FORGIVE ME!! My computer is REALLY old. It freaked out.
  19. no ok your new bane. Someone presses the red button, and world war 3 starts. There. I wish for a new book.
  20. Granted, no one is sick! Except for you. You now have all the illnesses in the world, but as an added bonus, your immortal. You love forever in awful pain. I wish for a new cello. Mine kinda sucks.
  21. Granted, but you are now blind. One glimpse of the great shard and BOOM! Your'e blind. I wish for my stomach to stop hurting. It has been hurting almost 24/7 for a while now.
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